Question: it 'normal' to actually WANT to eat alot more, alot more often...AND...

thanks to all who replied to my (?)...! i am happy about the amount of weight ive lost but i am stuck at 185-190 pounds, size 14 pant and large shirt. i see many people who had the surgery and they are flat tummied and look like they were never ever big...! i thought my belly was mostly skin, now i am convinced it is fat. i stay busy so exercise has not been something i can do alot of, i did however commit to walking 2-2.5 miles with my instructor and a classmate in between my classes..! and i am promising myself to take advantage of the free gym at my college that i knew nothing about til yesterday! lastly, what do you do if you have discovered that sugar doesnt make you sick...? i am back to drinking 1-2 glasses of sweet tea per day and i sometimes snack on candy when i crave sweets..(i know a HUGE NO NO) i wish id never tried, or that it had made me sick (i tried it because i wanted to see what to expect from dumping..) {{kicking myself in the booty now}} thanks in advance for all your help!! have a wonderful day! : )    — BikerBabe74 (posted on April 3, 2008)

April 3, 2008
Alot of people, myself included, thought, think, perceived that the surgery would miraculously "cure" us of overeating. Being only two months out, I am blessed or cursed, you can choose, with no problems with sugar or grease. I can eat anything, do get hungry and struggle everyday with not making poor food choices or emotional eating. Everyday, hour by hour, minute by minute. Get yourself to a support group, I truly believe, ( and by seeing the amount of posts on this list concerning the same or similar problems) that there are more of "us" than the people who have lost everything they needed to lose, and feel no hunger. I truly thought that I had made a mistake by having the surgery, but after a pep talk from my surgeon, I have to daily remind myself that: 1) if weight loss was easy, I would have done it before 2) it took a long time to get fat, it will take a while to get it off 3) the national average of weight loss with RNY is about 75% of excess weight, NOT 100%, 45%-50% for Lap Band 4) for me at least, getting HEALTHY is my goal, not a number I hope you get the sugar thing under control, before developing Diabetes makes that choice for you. Best of luck, darlin'! Jeanne
   — Jeanne Aldrich

April 3, 2008
I am wearing the exact same shoes as you are.... it sorta sucks that sweets and such doesn't affect us! Yes, I know. I tried them at weak moment and now I know that my body doesn't reject "anything at all". But, when I'm feeling weak I try to turn to my support network, my family and friends and OH family who are so helpful. PUT DOWN THE SUGAR, it will do nothing but sabatoge your success. No one wants that, especially you, right? Next time you go for sweet tea try salting it instead, make sure you actually try to drink it... maybe the association with the salty taste will be a turn off or purchase some Crystal Light Tea, it is plenty sweet tasting and may be an answer to the sweet tea issue. If you must have a sweet, try some fresh fruit, sugar free pudding, jello or sugar free candy (watch the sugar alcohol)... good luck to you, Leslie
   — LuvNSummer

April 3, 2008
I am 18 mos. out and have lost 147 lbs. I am just now realizing that I can eat things with sugar, but only moderately. I can have a small piece of cake or a piece of candy without dumping cramping or anything. However, we have all got to learn how to control eating for nutrition v. eating for comfort, taste, out of boredom or any other reason than needing to give your body sustenance. I know its not easy but, nothing worthwhile is easy. You have to commit to leaving the sugar out. the blessing is that on a special ocassion when you want a piece of cake (of course lets not find a special ocassion every day, or week) you can have it and it won't kill you. If we could have sweets and sugar and not gain weight or become diabetic there would never have come a need for bariatric surgery. We have to work hard to get the results we want and need. People think I'm a lot smaller than I am because I'm 6' tall I can wear a size 12W but not misses and I am 188 lbs. That is not real small but compared with the 336 that I was, this is wonderful. Don't give up what you have achieved for what you haven't yet achieved, or you never will achieve it!!! Hang in there!
   — Chavon T.

April 3, 2008
Focus on one thing at a time, and then add the next step to getting back on track. Take splenda packets with you and switch to unsweent tea. Splenda taste just like sugar, and you will like it. Give up the sugar now. Treat it like it is like a Cigerate to a former smoker. Just don't go there. Then work on excersize. I started with just 10 minutes a day and added until I could do 1-1/2 hours (still pains me but I do it). If you do a day of walking start with what you can do and add to it. Skip the gym on those days and take one day off, like sunday, just to rest your body. Your weight loss will return. Give it a push with some new habits. Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

April 3, 2008
STOP all those BAD things now. The people you see who have flat stomach's have probably had plastic surgery. Exercising will defiently help, make the time to do it. I have a 40 hour a week job in addition to a 1 hour drive each way, I am also a full time college student have a family that needs taken care of, house work, yard work, etc. and I can work out. I walk for 15 minutes durning each ofo my breaks and for another 20 minutes during my lunch. I do that 5 days a week and on top of that I go to the gym 5X a week and alternate carido, one day and weights the next for 1 hour. I just set my alarm 1 hour earlier, so if I can do it so can you. Work out instead of eating that sugar, you were given a second chance in life don't blow it. Read healthy magazines, shop for smaller clothes do all the things to keep you on track so you don't gain back all the weight you worked so hard to loose.
   — rosheet

April 3, 2008
Just because sugar doesn't make you dump, doesn't mean you should feel free to eat it (or drink it)...Girl, you need to cut sugar out of your diet! I am serious. Sugar can single handedly cause you to gain back all the hard work you you put into losing! Don't sabotage all that work. By now you should have enough respect for yourself and your progress to continue working to stay healthy. You are young (you mentioned college) Give your belly time...Skin takes a long time to catch up to the loss...It took me 4 years to tighten my old 43 year old mess... to where I hide quite a bit in a tiny pair of panties! hehe...You are so hard on yourself and that negativity will be your failure if you don't lean more to the side that "should take advantage of the free gym"...You can do it! Don't let old habits "sweet" talk you into something you KNOW doesn't work.
   — .Anita R.

April 3, 2008
I had the same problem last month. I am 16 months past my surgery date. I was absolutely ravenous, so hungry that I could eat every piece of licorice in a two-pound bag and a pound of tootsie rolls! I was so worried that I would gain my 80 pounds back that I lost. I could not reach my nutritionist. and I was miserable, but kept on eating. How did I deal with it? I gave in to the cravings and kept trying to go back to eating healthy. After 10 days, the urges subsided and I am now back to eating healthy. Not to say that I don't have a piece of sugary candy every so often (and no dumping here either). I am trying to see the long term goal. Hopefully you can get back to that, too.
   — debbrom

April 4, 2008
It has been 7 years since by surgery. I am lucky because sugar and fatty foods still makes me sick. We are all addicts, I cannot tell you in 7 years how many "special occasions" I have felt the need to have a little bite of that cake or that candy, etc. only to discovery that to my surprise, sugar makes me sick. Now with that said I am a rebel at heart, if my parents had only figured out that if they just told me to do the opposite of what they really wanted me to do, whose knows what I might of achieved in my life! I will always try to push the envelope. I decided a 3 years ago that I could drink diet Dr. Pepper and NOT have the effects that I was told about (carbonation stretching my pouch) because "poor pitiful me, I do without so much, can't I have one vice?" So many times my self talk will say, "Annie, you deserve it, all you want is to be normal like everyone else" then I pop the cap on another diet Dr. Pepper (well, atleast it is diet, right?) Now I have slowly over the last 3 years gained 30 lbs. I am still not "fat" but come on, who am I fooling? I will be right back up to my lovely rubinesque, full figured self of 335lbs before you know it. I have stopped the Diet DP, ALL carbonation for that matter and I am exercising 4 nights a week. My point to all of this is, PLEASE KNOW that we all play games with ourselves how do you think we got large in the 1st place? STOP EATING THE SUGAR you are sabotaging yourself just like I have been. Our destructive behavior comes in all shapes, forms and fashion. KEEP your eyes open, be honest with yourself. Suck on ice when you want hard candy, keep Splenda with you at ALL times, I tease all the time that my grandchildren will not have a hard time finding me because by the time I have Grandchildren I will be the one glowing in the dark from all of the Splenda and all the "I can't believe it's not Butter" I spray on everything! But you know, I will have lived my life thin and happy. I signed up on here at the beginning of this week because I need to be accountable for what I do to my body, we all do. Thank you for sharing, it helps me too.
   — Annie P.

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