Has anyone with acid reflux had increased problems after having lap band surgery?

I had my first consultation with the surgeon yesterday. He thinks I should have bypass rather than lapband surgery due to my acid reflux. I also have eosenephilic esophoghitis. I'm not sure what to do now.    — Annie123 (posted on April 24, 2008)

April 24, 2008
Well I haven't had my surgery yet, but my GI doc thought that might be an issue for me with the lap band. Waiting to hear what my surgeon says.
   — Shelly W.

April 24, 2008
He is correct. I had it for 20 years, and the RHY surgery got rid of it, Diabities, High Blood Pressure, High Colestroal and everything else I took pill for. Howevr, study up on the surgery. I am 62 so making a committment for the rest of my life to add years to my life at this age was a easy choice. This is a tool, and you will give up drinking bear, sweets, and fried foodes to name a few things. You will lose more of your weight than with any other surgery, and you will look great. THis is not just for the year following surgery but for the rest of your life. I hate whole grain breads, brown rice and wheat pasta, but if you want to have the maximun benifet, you need this products after 6 month rathertha white pasta, white bread and white rice. I have never felt better, but research the changes because it is not reversable, and lab band is, but then you don't have the removal of all the healt issues. Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

April 24, 2008
Go with the bypass it is more sufficient in losing weight. I had the bypass and have talked to some of my friends that had the lap band. They wish they would have gotten the bypass since they gained all most all of their weight back. I am still doing great and have lost more weight and am 9 years post op. I think it is the best surgery for people wanting to lose a substancial amout of weight. I have lost 180 pounds and am keeping it off.
   — nascar_angel_3_2003

April 24, 2008
I have acid reflux and esophegeal and I still had the lap band. I was given previcid to take everyday before meals and I had my surgery on 2/25/08 and doing good. Good Luck
   — yviator

April 24, 2008
I had horrible GERD before my banding. I now have none unlss I eat too late @ night. I know of several others woth the same story. I have lost 75lbs slowly & safely over the past year & con't to lose. If the esophagitis is from the GERD it could be helped by banding.
   — Donna O.

April 25, 2008
I had horrible acid reflux before banding to the point that I was going to look into surgery to try and correct the problem. I had been on the maximum dosage of both protonix and prevacid with no relief. I was banded one year ago and have not had a single problem since. I have also lost 60 pounds. The weight loss is slower for most people with the band but I am confident in the following year I will reach goal. I tell people that even if I had not lost one pound that getting rid of the acid reflux was worth the surgery.
   — Susan M.

April 25, 2008
I had severe acid reflux, it was horrible but after having gastric bypass I have not had one drop of it! It is wonderful!! Do what your dr thinks is best for you! Good Luck
   — nicole30

April 25, 2008
Please follow your doctors advice. I had the lap band two years ago and I suffer so bad with acid reflux\GERD. I am now having revision surgery May 9th to have to by-pass. Acid reflux/GERD is so miserable and you don't want to go through that if you don't have too. I should have had the by-pass but I was afraid. Now, I am having the by-pass which I should have had to begin with. Good luck to you in your decision. I made mine finally after suffering. The lap band will make it worse.
   — Icantiemyshoe

April 26, 2008
I had mild acid reflux before my lapband surgery on 3/19/08. I have no problems with it now. I have lost 24 lbs since surgery.
   — Karen M.

April 30, 2008
Sherry, No one should make the decision of which surgery to have besides you!! Reflux can be resolved with both surgeries. RNY - it will come almost immediately. With Lap Band, it will resolve, but may just take longer, usually resolves as the weight comes off. I work in a WLS center, and I have seen many patients come through, plus I had RNY myself 1 year ago. You must decide which surgery you can live with best. With RNY you are restricted to what kinds of foods you can eat and have that built-in mechanism (dumping syndrome) to keep you from eating the wrong stuff, and the weight comes off very quickly, losing about 70% of your excess body weight the first year. With Lap Band, you can still pretty much eat what you want, just not in large portions. Plus you must be willing to do the maintenance with the Lap Band (adjustments), and the weight comes off quite a bit slower, usually 40-50% of excess body weight the first year. I personally chose RNY because I didn't feel like I had the will power to make the right choices on my foods. I didn't have a portion control problem, I had a problem chosing the right foods. Good luck to you, but don't let anyone influence you on which surgery would be better. Do the research and choose for yourself!
   — pam2007

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