I desperately need help to lose 30lb or revision advice?

I've gained 30lbs since my gastric bypass in sept of 2007 I AM NOW DOING HERBAL LIFE has anyone tried?    — minkii68 (posted on July 8, 2010)

July 8, 2010
have you try the Zumba dance excercices it really work and have fun lossing that what i planed after i do gastro by past. go to
   — evelyn16.67

July 8, 2010
Haven't you heard? Fad diets or products don't work. Even with weight loss surgery you will still have to learn how to eat the right foods in appropriate quantities AND exercise. Check out the back on track together forum on this website for more ideas and support.
   — Arkin10

July 9, 2010
Gaining thirty pounds may upset you but why are you desperate? Sometimes putting to much emphasis on our weight causes us to over eat or feel defeated. Relax, love yourself, and then cut out the carbs, get back to exercise and the weight will come off. I am sure you can do this. It is just harder when you thought you had it all figured out. Journal what you are eating and use sparkle people or fitday to see the calories and nutrition. Look for trigger foods and cut these out of your diet. Don't bring them into your home. Stock up on fruit and vegatables and lean meat.
   — trible

July 9, 2010
Thank God that you caught the problem at 30 lbs. 30 lbs. is a lot easier to deal with than the 100 plus before we had surgery. Look for a program that deals with proper nutrion like Weight Watchers, South Beach, Jenny Craig, etc. As the first poster mentioned, take an excercise class like zoomba, planet fitness, etc. Good Luck!
   — Kathleen W.

July 27, 2010
I'm assuming that those are pills you are taking? I took Herbalife pre-op and it majorly screwed with my stomach. I can only imagine what it could do to your post-op stomach. Be careful!
   — fropunka

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