Anyone have information on Dr Naaham in Houston

I have an appointment with DR. Naaham in Houston the end of this month.I can't find much information about him. Please share any info you may have. Thank You    — MARYANN M. (posted on March 15, 2001)

March 15, 2001
You've done lots of research, but you're can't find much information on the Dr. you chose? Why not try Dr. Ferrari or Jaykubar at NuWeigh see: ... they take Humana. They are great and they have lots of positive comments on the website. This is where I found them. Both are very good. They are in Houston.
   — [Anonymous]

March 15, 2001
I WAS going to use doctor Naaman until somebody on this site had a VERY bad experience with him and I instead used Dr Ferrari with Neweigh and did not have any problems.
   — [Anonymous]

March 17, 2001
If you cannot find info on your Doctor, there is a reason.. usually not good. Try Dr Wongsa or Ferrari; both have good reputations. Me, I'd rather go out of state and have a duodenal switch myself, but I'm just crazy that way =) Good luck- and DON'T SETTLE!!!
   — Liane F.

March 18, 2001
I found your Doctor listed right away. Matter of fact he was 1st in the N catagory. Here's how you do it... go up to "Find a doc", then click on browse, it will show the map... scroll down past the map and it will tell you to enter the 1st letter of his last name. Click and an ABC list will appear. Do that and you will find many comments. Good Luck!!!
   — marlene R.

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