How to get enough protein in the first three weeks?

Thanks for all the advice, I appreciate all the suggestions and will look into them. I found a protein drink that gives you 15 grams per 1 oz, which I have ordered to supplement my diet. Cross your fingers, this stuff is expensive. Bless you all on your journey, it is nice to know that we are not alone in our struggle. I sure can't explain this to others that haven't gone through this procedure. Some people have actually commented that I took the easy way out, they have no idea what they are saying. Thanks again.    — IrishSpirit (posted on December 6, 2007)

December 6, 2007
"The easy way out"... bah humbug. It would have been so much easier to just continue on as before than to go down this road, but this road is going to be so worth it. Hang in there.
   — LuvNSummer

December 6, 2007
Easy way out. Are they nuts!! The surgery and the first few days were H---. I am thrilled today, but even I wouldn't have the courage to do it again. Just ignore them. Pat
   — pjennjr

December 6, 2007
Easy way out...that kills me...thank God no one has ever told me that or I'd go balistic on them! I have to fight head hunger every single day and if I'm not fighting that, I'm forcing myself to eat and or get my protein in, and my water in. Not easy feats when you don't feel like eating or drinking! UGH let me shoot them...wait I would run out of places to bury the bodies...nevermind <laughing> God bless and good luck!
   — crystalsno

December 6, 2007
Hang in there. I'm happy I had my RNY done in May, 2006. My wife had a revision surgery from an intestinal bypass from 1980. She has the RNY now too. I've lost about 140 pounds since my surgery, and my wife has lost about 65 from hers in July. I bet you're talking about the Prostat 64, or one of their newer versions. I just ordered some for my wife, as she hates the IsoPure shakes that I still use. I have to pick up the Pro-stat at a local CVS pharmacy tomorrow.
   — Dave Chambers

December 7, 2007
Please this is not the easy way out. It's a life altering decision and one that everyone of us considered carefully before pursuing. What's the name of the protein drink you found? I would love to try it out. Thank you.
   — Cassandra581

December 7, 2007
im with cassandra-what is the name of this protein drink? i told my husband-surgery is a breeze......the work begins after the surgery. so to those of you who think this is so EASY and were just taking the EASY way out--- then I CHALLENGE you to come joing me at my meal time. you eat what i do, drink what i do. dicipline yourself like we ALL do. ya know this is not an Easy way out for ANY of us. we are all Proud of ourselves. and you know what--shame on you... HAPPY BEING A LOSER!! HAPPY TO LIVE MY LIFE!!!! N HAPPY TO TELL YOU WERE ALL THIS WAY,,,,,,,,,,,,,Kim Crain
   — kimcrain

December 8, 2007
Try Unjury protein powder. It's the best tasting one. They have a website Please don't let those ignorant folks get to you. They have no idea what it's like to live as an obese person and to go through what we go through trying to lose the weight this way. It requires so much diligence and way more of what they would call "willpower" than they could imagine. We just have to limit our exposure to people who make comments like that and surround ourselves with more supportive people. Don't let those comments rent space in your head. Jennifer H.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 10, 2007
Yes it is costly but I learn I can use sugar free carn instant breakfast meal and add whey protein which I get at wal-mart for 17.00 it has 23 grams protein and carn breakfast has 13 I think, use ice and vinilla to it blend it, add to soup, just ad little at time so it will not get big glob in it. I am 5 mon and 2 weeks out still use the carn. breakfast and protein to get my amount I need. Good luck
   — carman

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