I've lost alot of weight but have alot to go.

I'm having trouble sticking to three small meals and a snack. I eat all day long. I have no control. I'm out of control. I don't know why, because the weight that I have lost fell off very quickly. I'm not hungry I'm not bored, I don't know what to do.HELP Karen    — ritenour63 (posted on May 3, 2008)

May 3, 2008
Karen, I think most of us are emotional eaters. I will speak for myself, and say that food was my drug of the good times, bad times, stressful times, etc. Nothing that a piece of candy or a handful of crackers couldn't help me get through. The problem is that whatever we are avoiding by eating food, is STILL there the moment we take that last bite. I would advise you to either talk to a counselor, if you think food addiction is your problem, or at the very least find some books that may help. God bless,
   — Lisa S.

May 3, 2008
Well, my dr. never said 3 small meals. In fact he said probably 6 small meals. I eat about every 2 - 3 hours. I know I need to eat better but that will take time and work on my part. I also feel like I am eating all the time but as long as you eat "meals" not grazing then that is good.
   — Claudia C.

May 3, 2008
Honey, you have to stop grazing or the rest of your weight will not come off and you will start to gain. Set a timer, three meals a day and 1 snack all eaten at the table over 20 minutes (except the snack I guess) and then get out of the kitchen away from food. No water thirty minutes before and for 1 hour after. Drink, drink, drink your water between! Remember that your surgery is only a tool not a magic pill. You still have to work at it and nothing worth having comes easy but at least you've got a very good tool to work with. You can do it! At about 10 minutes into your meal, start thinking about what activity you are going to do after you are finished eating. Then do it and keep your mind coming up with new tasks or activities. Make a list to refer to if that helps. I have a list for every room in the house of things that need doing in each room. Keep your mind busy with activity or go for a walk. Spend time updating you OH blog and catching up on line with OH friends. We need you just like you need us! You are loved and you are lovable. Be good to yourself, treat yourself right. You are the only you you have. I'm cheering for you! Go Girl! Laura
   — waterlover

May 3, 2008
My advice would be to get some counseling right now. I hope you find some soon. Blessings, Karen
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 3, 2008
Maybe you need to attend a support group meeting....that might help get you > back on track. Exercising might help, too. Aqua aerobics help me, as does > walking. Take a hot bubble bath...that is soothing and who wants to eat in > a bathtub? > > Good luck and keep at it. You don't want to "find" all that weight that you > worked so hard to get off. > > Nancy
   — angelzhere

May 3, 2008
Hi Karen...You have go to give up the sugar and carbs...once you do that you will not have the hunger pangs and cravings for more carbs. I'm serious! It's probably all you really need to do to get back on track. Just because you don't dump, doesn't mean you should eat sugar...CUT it out..completely! Cut out pasta rice and potatoes too. Substitute all sugars with fruits and proteins such as a protein shake rather than dessert...Or yogurt instead of pudding or ice cream. Eat whole grains rather white flours. Use low carb wraps rather than bread for snadwiches...There are so many substitutes. You might consider the 5 Day Pouch test to get off the carbs...then go from there...It's not a diet to lose weight...It just gets you back on track. I think you just need a little confidence that you can still do this and it's soooo much easier without the carb cravings that cause us all to graze! You can get that control back...Try it! Or try cutting out the sugar and high glycemic carbs yourself! You'll feel better!
   — .Anita R.

May 3, 2008
Karen, You have taken the first step to getting back in control. You admitted there is a problem. Try setting a timer/alarm to the times you are supposed to eat lunch dinner and snack. Start drinking more water/crystal light. Remember the key to wls is protein + water + exercise = weight loss. Feel free to add me as a friend. I'll be happy to continue to support you.,
   — Jen R.

May 3, 2008
All great answers and ,Karen, you must get this under control. Just because you lost weight does not mean that will continue. You will stall and stall hard. Your own perception of just how much - and what- you are eating will always fool you into thinking you are not eating very much. If you are not discilpiling yourself to a schedule and an awareness of carbs, fats and exercise you will stop losing well before your goal. Try one of the weight tracking sites - I use and start to track your food and exercise intake. You will be surprised at what you are doing to yourself. You said yourself you are not hungry - so you should not be eating. You've had this surgery - you need to get your head on straight or you will be very unhappy. Good luck.
   — jannmyers

May 4, 2008
Karen, my surgeon (who is part of a center of excellence for WLS) gave us 5 commandments to follow for success: 1) Exercise at least 3 times a week for 30-45 minutes; 2) Follow a low-calorie diet (1000-1200 per day); 3) Eat 5-6 small meals a day (200-250 cals per meal); 4) Eat at least 60-65 grams of protein each day; 5) Avoid white carbs like the plague, keep brown & green carbs low. I find this much easier than trying to stick to merely 3 meals and a snack. Also, you need to address what's causing you to be an emotional eater. Otherwise, you won't be able to kick the habit (like any other addiction). I don't think it's possible to do it on your own--therapy is required. Try to see someone who has experience with WLS patients, or at least overeaters. Anyway, that's my two cents.
   — eddyrider3

May 4, 2008
I too am an emotional eater and when I am having a "hungry" day I use the Special K protein water. It has protein and fiber in it. If I sip it that seems to take the hunger away. It has 35 cal and 5 grams of protein. I find it helps.
   — ntssmith

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