Aaaaaarrrgh!! So confused!

My doc said that two of my meds had to be crushed, one because it DOES have the coating and my tiny stomach can't dissolve it, and the other because it is big and also probably wouldn't dissolve before "moving on." I know my coated, time-release med is available without the time release, ergo without the coating. The problem is that I don't have a primary physician at the moment to change my prescription. I'm a DOD civilian in Germany, my doc transferred to Hawaii, and they don't want me (or any civilian) as a patient at the military clinic here, so they used this opportunity to dispense with me. German drs. are trained under a state-funded medical system, and send patients to a specialist for EVERYTHING beyond a cold (seems like--no women's yearly...heck, no women's anything from the "Primary" doc) since it's free for their German patients. We who pay, REALLY pay! Our insurance covers part of the cost, but we must pay up front at each visit and file our insurance ourselves. Here, they mostly bill once or twice a year (except the ones who demand cash payment) so there's nothing to send the insurance company for reimbursement for months, in some cases. Sorry for all of this (unnecessary?) explanation, but I'm really freaked out. Did NOT see this coming, and haven't yet been able to find the right German doc for me--and don't want to have to change whatever I'm taking to German meds if they don't have my current ones here. Since I can't stop either of these two suddenly, I'd better get busy--but in the meantime have been told by a pharmacist--and my surgeon--to crush the pills. I have to mail-order a crusher. If I'm to crush ANY meds forever, I'm motivated to wean myself off of everything! Again, sorry for the 3-hour drama, but thank you if you read the whole thing--and if you have any solutions for anything besides crushing for the coated one (will it melt?) please tell me! Cattykit    — Cattykit (posted on June 24, 2009)

June 23, 2009
You can take a straight edge razor and cut the larger pill into several pieces and then crush the pieces between two large spoons! Works like a charm...As for the time released one, as long as the doc thinks it's okay to crush it, you can also do the same or take only a quarter or half of it at a time so you get the time release effect without over doing the med all at once...I don't know what these meds are for so I don't know how dangerous they are with or without the right dose. (Plus I'm not a doc so I wouldn't guess that sort of thing anyway) Most people are off most if not all meds about 3 mos after surgery! So hopefully you won't need whatever it is you are taking! I sure hope that helps...I loved Germany! Was an Air Traffic Control Asst there DOD (hubby was military as well) Lived in Wiesbaden for 3 years myself and had both my babies there! That sucks that you can't use the clinic for meds at least...Hope it all works out! And good luck on your journey! (Both your European one and surgey one!)
   — .Anita R.

June 24, 2009
I am sorry to hear you are having a hard time. I would check again about crushing a time released med. Once you crush it everything will release into your body at once. Please double check on this med. You don't want to overdose. Hope things get better for you.
   — dsquire

June 25, 2009
It seems your surgeon is currently your primary doctor and should adjust your meds. You will want to get away from the time release pill but you onlt need to crush the pills for about 6 months. After that you are not as likely to have a problem with the pills. I crushed my pils for about six months then did not have to. A friend of mine came home from the hospital with full size pills for pain and did ok with them. The big thing is you can not take them with a big swallow of water to wash them down. It will really hurt in the first few months to do this. But time release pills are a problem becuase they get absorbed too fast with the reduced stomache. Hope you can find a doctor to work with over there.
   — trible

June 25, 2009
Thanks, everybody. I've checked and rechecked with doc and pharmacists, and while not the best choice, they will do for now. I'm going to request the uncoated, un-time-release pills as soon as I can! I look forward to the day when I can either stop crushing meds--or stop needing them! Best to you, and may God bless all of you! Ck
   — Cattykit

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