Dumping on watermellon & salad

Yesterday I ate small amount of seadless watermellon and salad and became weak and started sweating and my blood pressure went up to 190/112 with pain in between my chest.(upper stomach). I thought I was having an heart attack. My husband thought I was dumping, so I put my finger down my throat to spit up. Is there anything else I can do if this happens again, for ex. drink water or something. It obviously was very upsetting and scarry, later I broke out in a few bumps (maybe hives. Afterwards after resting @2hrs I tried peanut butter & crackers and started having trouble breathing, sweating and the same symptoms started again. Is there anything I can do other than trying to vomit to calm my body down. It's scary.    — Faune W. (posted on July 6, 2009)

July 6, 2009
When did you have your WLS ??
   — matigian

July 6, 2009
I had the surgery Dec 07. Gastric bypass
   — Faune W.

July 6, 2009
I would not ignore some of these symptoms! It could be dumping but it could also be cardiac and you need to have this checked out by your MD. Women have atypical symptoms for cardiac problems. Better be safe than sorry! Best of luck to you! Ana Villa, RN
   — nursevilla

July 6, 2009
Another RN chiming in. I agree with Anna, it's best to play it safe and get checked out by doctor.
   — southerngeorgiagirl

July 6, 2009
The other posts are right about going to the doctor. It could be a heart problem. At one point, I had the same problems as you. For me, it was my gallbladder causing me to have very simular to you.
   — Kathleen W.

July 6, 2009
And for heavens sake, STOP trying to make yourself vomit. Not a good idea. I am almost 5 years out and I dump if I eat too fast. This sounds like dumping and/or food getting stuck and/or hypoglycemia. See a doctor first. Eat slower and peanut butter always plays havoc on my blood sugar levels. Start a food diary.
   — smparker2

July 7, 2009
I recently had a similar situation and the ask a nurse told me to go to the hospital to see about heart problems. I did and I was fine. I think my potasium was too high. Some of the protien bars I ate that day had high potassium and I think I reacted badly to it. The doctors and ask a nurse said not to ever ignore it when the heart acts up and we break out into a cold sweat and have any type of tightness in our chest. As the previous posters said I would seek medical attention and make sure everything is ok. I had VSG and I noticed I cannot eat salad since my surgery it simply does not agree with me and makes my stomach upset. I was also informed if you are having acid indigestion it can affect the nerves in the heart and make it act up so that's another reason why making yourself get sick is not good. I certainly hope you feel better and that your heart is healthy and everything is ok.
   — Lisa von Wallmenich

July 7, 2009
Thanks for all the advice, I think you are right I need to contact my doctor. I have Kaiser so I guess I should contact my primary care physican vs the doctor that Kaiser refers you to in this area. I feel more comfortable with my doctors office who did the surgery, but Kaiser has to approve every visit to the bariatric surgeona fter the initial period of follow-ups. I will call and make an appointment, don't want to die or have an heart attack. I also thought it might be a gall bladder attack also, although I feel fine today.
   — Faune W.

July 8, 2009
Watermelon is HIGH in sugar.... that seems to be the problem I see which was happening to you. I find it when I start to dump for doing something stupid..< haha> I automatically get up stretch my upper part of the body and take a walk... this always helps... the walk is a miracle cure all! Hope this helps... You'll learn how much sugar < natural or not> you are able to tolerate. Good Luck. Michele M.
   — Supermom2008

July 9, 2009
It's not a heart condiditon it's gall bladder, spent 5 hrs in emergency room got vicadin for the pain if it happens again. Thanks for all your support.
   — Faune W.

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