Could this just be a bug or something to be concerned about?

Today I have not been able to keep much food down and generally feel icky and listless. It started this morning, felt light-headed and wound up losing my breakfast. Nibbled on a bit of dry protein bar later in the morning and made sure to keep drinking but felt extremely faint, even while sitting down. Threw up lunch but kept some protein pudding down a while later. Since I'm doing ok with liquids I plan to have some protein soup for dinner so I can get in as much protein as possible. I am 1 yr out from my RNY and in good health, take my vitamins every day and make sure I get my protein. I've had more than enough water and am still drinking, so it's not dehydration. Thought about anemia, but I took my iron both yesterday and today. So wondering just what's going on, whether it's just some sort of bug (I work closely w/ the public), something else I should be getting in, or something to actually worry over. Either way, I've been banned from work tomorrow since my supe says she doesn't want me to either pass out or spread something contagious since we're understaffed. Which means I'll be getting plenty of rest and, if I still feel cruddy, calling my doctor in the afternoon. I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions. Thanks in advance.    — snickersblk (posted on October 19, 2009)

October 19, 2009
Seeing your doctor is the absolute right thing to do.
   — flybaby46

October 20, 2009
Sounds like you need to see the dfoctor hope they can help but it may just be a nasty bug that will take its time to pass
   — trible

October 20, 2009
I am four year out and having close to the same symptoms...have just high cramps right under the breast, whenever I eat..since sunday. Am sticking to tea and some crackers..had protein liquid in my water last night and don't know wether it was still too sweet for a tender stomach..but it is a pain, literally...just riding it out for a few more days..
   — lauralee02

October 20, 2009
Of course, call your doctor. BUt it could also be a vitamin you might be lacking. I believe that not enough vitamin B12 can make you feel crappy. Also, remember not to take in too much protein, as your body only absorbs 70-80 grams at one time, so taking in extra is a waste. It will just pass right thru and not do anything for you. Are you running a temperature or had diarrhea? That could give you a little more to go as as far as the flu/bug goes. But just see your doctor and they could run a full panel of blood work to see if you are lacking in any important vitamin. Anemia will tend to make you real cold and you totally won't have any energy, but it won't make you throw up. Check into the symptoms of an ulcer too. But I hope you are well soon.
   — Kristy

October 20, 2009
Seeing your doctor is great advice any time you have health concerns, esp. since you've had the RNY surgery. Just so you know, I live in Western Nebraska, and the flu bug has been sweeping through our town. There have even been a couple of cases of the swine flu confirmed. Enjoy the day off to rest and definitely get a doctor's appointment. God Bless.
   — KimM

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