does coffee have carbs?

Does coffee have carbs in it? I have heard decaff has 6 grams of carbs per cup. Whats the real story and why is there no nutritional guide on packs and cans at the store?    — Sabrina H_NC (posted on October 20, 2003)

October 20, 2003
Coffee and tea (regular or decaf) have no carbs (no nutrition of any sort). If you add sugar, milk, cream, or a non-dairy creamer, you will add carbs (and other nutrients with milk or cream). Plain, black coffee or tea is not much different from water.
   — Vespa R.

October 20, 2003
Yup. Previous poster got it right. But, they ARE different than H2O when talking about caffeine (or however you spell that!) Caffeine can be dehydrating and/or diuretic (or however you spell that too!) So go easy on it! P.S. I love coffee and drink it often as part of my daily liquid intake. I just try for decaf whenever possible and avoid all the added stuff life cream, etc.

October 26, 2003
no carbs in black coffee. It is a diuretic, but it still helps with your daily liquid intake overall.
   — jengrz

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