Which is better or less expensive ? Medifast or Optifast?

How soon do you see results??    — T L. (posted on June 13, 2004)

June 13, 2004
I believe Optifast is a superior medically supervised program, which offers quick results. One can easily shed 15 lbs the first week, but of course, some of that is water, which is also good. If you're going for a pre-surgical weight loss, I think it's superior because it's medically supervised and your health is monitored throughout your weight loss. You are getting complete nutrition too. I'm not as familiar with medifast, but if it's medically supervised, I'm sure it's ok.
   — Happy I.

June 14, 2004
I think that they are very similar.
   — Suzanna M.

March 19, 2006
Medifast is a medically proven meal replacement as well. They are back by John Hopkins University and the National Health Institute. Medifast is great for diabetics, men/women and even those who are at maintenance.
   — LovenElvis

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