Im 2 months post op. I used to be able to eat about 3 ounces. Now even 1 ounce makes

me sick. HELP!!!    — shannonwaycott (posted on March 27, 2006)

March 27, 2006
Shannon, if you are throwing up you might want to check with your surgeon and see if you don't have a stricture. that will cause u to throw up, even drinking water.
   — Steve Cohen

March 27, 2006
Yeah you need scoped, bweeen 1 and 3 months is most common time for strictures but they can occur anytime. good news is its a quick fix call your surgeon asap. in the meantime clear liquids are recommended
   — bob-haller

March 27, 2006
Are you chewing your food as well as you did before? Or taking bigger bites? I did the same thing and thought I had a stricture, so I called my Dr. and we determined that I wasn't chewing well enough and especially during a social gathering. We tend to swallow our food before chewed well in a conversation. I would contact my Dr if I were you, just to make sure it is not a stricture. But pay attention to how well you are chewing. I was amazed. Best regards, Kristy
   — Kristy

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