When to have visitors at hospital?

I'm very grateful that my friends are eager to come visit me, even wait at thehospital while I'm in surgery. I want them to visit while I'm in the hospital, I'm sure their presence will encourage me...but is there a point for friends to be there the first day? Will I even remember them being there? Will I be decent company? Will I want thm there day one? Should I ask them to wait until day 2 or 3 to visit?    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on July 13, 2006)

July 12, 2006
Personally, the first day I wasn't really up for anything. I just wanted to rest and adjust. I think day 2 might be a better choice. You'll be a little more used to getting up and around. And it will have given you a good much needed rest. I don't do well with anestesia, so I knew I would be out of it for awhile. I vaquely remember a deacon coming in (I was in a catholic hospital) and blessing me... I was so out of it, I thought I was getting my last rights!!! lol Whatever you decide. GOOD LUCK! I hope it goes wonderfully! =0)

July 12, 2006
Though I was up and walking 4 hours after surgery, eating ice chips and talking, I don't remember A THING. My poor hubby put such thought into getting me a cute card and this little stuffed pug (I really want a doggie) and when he gave it to me, I just stared at him blankly like "what the hell is this?" (at least that's what he told Your friends won't care that you're out of it so if you really want them by your side then by all means! But it's true you may just want your rest and that way you'll be rearing to go on day 2. As far as decent company (if you mean look wise), my mom said I looked pretty rough - pale, etc. That's awesome you have such great friends! Good luck!!!!
   — platypus

July 12, 2006
The hospital was far from my home. Hubby, daughter and friend were there when I woke up after surgery, but I told them all not to come until I was ready to come home (day 4) as I didn't think I would really want to be "entertaining". LOL. I was right. All I wanted to do was sleep and be quiet. I did watch some TV the 2nd day but didn't really feel like company. They called on the phone for a few minutes and that was enough for me.
   — patgels

July 12, 2006
It's great to want to have your friends come visit while you are recovering, however, here's something that some people who are patients in the hospital --- YOU'RE NOT THERE TO BE COMPANY TO THEM! They should wait until day 2 -- day 1 you will be on drugs and sleeping a lot. If you feel you have to be awake to be "decent company" for your friends, then you want get the rest you need.
   — the7thdean

July 12, 2006
Have your friends & family call and ask you if your up to having company. Depending on what unit in the hospital you are on, vistors may be restricted to immediate family only and for 20 minutes. Always be mindful of the hospital's official visiting hours and respectful of other patients, they may not be interested in listening to your company all afternoon & evening. I had a lovely room mate but her family in particular her son was soooo loud and kept me from resting. I was in the SICU the night of my surgery and I wasn't up to company, I was full of morphine & anesthesia. Even on the second day I had company & I wasn't really up to it. Even on the third day I wasn't up to company either. Best of Luck
   — goldroses

July 12, 2006
I am only 2 days post-op and I still have not seen anyone but my mom and boyfriend, who is taking care of me. I really don't have the energy yet to see anyone and honestly, I am in a lot of pain and not always with it. Friends totally understand, just tell them that you appreciate their concern and give yourself a few good days for for moral have us here on the web!!!! Everyone has been great about answering questions for me, and no one cares how I look over the computer! Good Luck!
   — mollyc

July 13, 2006
I had so many visitors the first day and although I remember them being there I also remember dozing off and on all day. That evening I do remember talking to my family as well.
   — *Malena* M.

July 13, 2006
When i was wheeled into my room i already had friends waiting there. I was very encouraged to see them all. BY the time i got to my room i had already slept 3 hours in the recovery room so i was able to stay awake and talk to them for a bit. For me it was very encouraging to have them there at least for a little bit.
   — phranny19

July 13, 2006
I had lap RNY, surgery on Tuesday morning, but didn't get to my room until that afternoon due to a bed shortage. I was up the next day first thing in the AM and didn't go back to bed until midnight that night, then home the next day. I was either up in a chair or walking the halls. Really, not enough time for visitors! Besides, there were the nurses, patient care assistants, surgeons, residents, medical students, unit director, chaplain, volunteers, and multiple others already there to keep me company!How long are you planning to be in the hospital? (Not that you have much choice about how long you get to stay!) I wanted to go home as soon as I possibly could, and I wanted to go home on the second day, but they wouldn't let me. (I had surgery at age 47, too!)
   — koogy

July 13, 2006
I remeber part of the first day, my mom & a friend were there first but I don't remeber them after I was taken in the OR. I don't remember them leaving after I got to my room. My dad came in next & all I wanted was to sleep & he kept talking. I was just thinking my god please go home...I do love my dad but your first dy they should just sit if you need them then you can ask for help etc...but let you sleep. MaryLyn
   — Kriola

July 13, 2006
I am truly a people person, however, when I'm recovering or feeling sick I really dont want anyone around. I had my surgery at a hospital four hours from home, my husband was with me. I even found myself telling him to go back to the hotel. I had an excellent stay, got up walked, wasnt ill ..but sure didnt want company. That's just me.
   — debmi

July 13, 2006
It was cool that my best friend was there on the first day and my other close friends came the next day. The first day is not about them it's about you. So, If they dont want to watch you sleep tell them to come day 2 or 3.
   — Jamal Young

July 13, 2006
Well Shannon with a C, while a warm smile, a tender touch and a supporting thought is wonderful - there is a time and place for everything and the day of or even the day after your surgery isn't it! Should you be like myself you won't even know anyones there and even if you do at that stage you really won't care. Is that being rude to your visitors? NO - chances are you will still be so druged that you might not even remember anyone being there. Ask them to give you a few days and them come visit....Good luck!!! That's my 2cent worth. Robert - [email protected]
   — RobertMiller

July 14, 2006
I allowed my mother and brother to stay at the hospital until they could see that I was OK (you know how family can be!). After that I chose to not have anyone visit. My goal while in the hospital was to concetrate on doing what the doctor told me to begin the recovery process. I did not want to be distracted from my goal by having to "entertain" guests. Once I left the hospital, then all who wanted were welcome to come and keep me company. Having people around me at that point helped to not think about food until I adjusted to my new routine.
   — cindizzy

July 14, 2006
I actually liked the visitors, althogh i was not very good compan on the first day.. On the second day, at least i could get up and walk arond and was appreciative of them being there because hospitals are boring! I would say it is better to wait until the second day, although you shold have someone there the first day to help you walk, etc..
   — Novashannon

July 14, 2006
For me, there is a standing rule when I've had surgery...NO ONE except for my husband shall visit the first day, and perhaps they should wait until I come home. I had a particularly uncomfortable, no, painful experience when I had a major surgery. I told my hubby NO VISITORS...PERIOD. Well...the inevitable rudeniks showed up anyway....the wife decided I needed my hair combed...combed..not brushed...and started ripping hair out of my head with the comb...while her husband sat and kicked the bed with his foot...I wanted to kill my husband for allowing that to happen after my specific instructions. I hope we all don't have "friends" like that, because who would need enemies? Anyhoo..that's my personal experience. YMMV! Regards~
   — Statuesque

July 19, 2006

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