Only nine pounds in 24 days

I started at 323 on 2/1/09 then lost 20.9 lbs, by the day of surgery 2/9/09 then I lost 32.1 by 3/1/09 for a total of 53 lbs. Then I hit a plateas and just a pound here and there for a total of 9 pounds in 23 days.Is this normal? I'm doing everything just like I'm suppose to.So why the plateaus so quickly? HELP,Michael    — 2lazy2Mike (posted on March 25, 2009)

March 24, 2009
oh yes normal.Look at the whole picture, total lbs be patient keep doing what u need to do follow your program measure the inches and keep a record of these.there will be lots of time the scales won't move for a few days or even weeks just keep on keeping on REMEMBER this is for the rest of your life.even after the weight is gone u have to maintain the loss.u r doing great remember to drink your water
   — Bette Drecktrah

March 24, 2009
It happened to me also, all I did was up my protein intake and my water intake and it started back up quickly. I have hit several plateaus and this is how I have broke them and including adding more exercise I have lost a total of 257 pounds since 10/30/06. Hang in there it gets better and life is good.
   — sparkle8062

March 24, 2009
Linda made some very good suggestions. The only thing that I would add is that, after a big loss, the body needs to readjust. You're still losing inches but the body is catching a breath.
   — Kathleen W.

March 25, 2009
You have done above and beyond super amazingly fast! LOL Seriously, what diet have you EVER done in your life that you lost 53 lbs in less than a month? Yeah, just what I thought! LOL Your body is taking a rest sweetie! I have NO doubt you're going to keep on going! Linda has got the idea! Up the protein! Feed that starvation your body is feeling...ESPECIALLY before and after work outs...You gotta eat just a little more to boost your metabolism...A good high protein meal planned after a work out is great...along with a small serving of complex carbs in fruit or juice would be great for muscles before workouts! Not a lot...just a little will give your muscles much needed glycogen for muscle recovery/and give you more energy/stamina from a work out and rapid weight loss! Men have more muscle mass than women generally...but anyone wanting to retain muscle or build them really need complex carbs in their diets!(If only just before and after any exercise) You don't lose as much weight as you have sitting on the couch, so I know you are moving your body! Give it fuel!
   — .Anita R.

March 26, 2009
Oh yea this is totally normal. I wish someone at my doctors office would have told me about it so that I wouldn't have freaked out, but no such luck. Of course, when I had my 6 week appointment and brought it up I was told oh yeah this happens to almost everyone and you will run into it many times to come. Apparently at every weight milestone. They said it is a well known phenomenon, at every spot on the scale that you once were at for any length of time you will probably go through this. So I was at 203-205 for about 3 weeks and then suddenly with absolutely no change in my behavior I jumped right past it into onederland. That was my most recent hurdle and it can really drive you crazy. Make sure you are following your eating plan and getting in your protein and then be patient it will happen. I am 67.5 pounds down in just 3.5 months. Good luck and keep up the great work!
   — brindledanes

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