16 days after surgery

16 days out gastric bypass can i eat puree foods already or do i have to wait.Would this be ok to do.    — felicia45Cook (posted on September 26, 2009)

September 26, 2009
I was able to start 7-10 Days. try only one food at a time so that you will know what agrees with you and what doesn't. Soft eggs can be hard you so be careful. just make sure you puree all your foods almost into a liquid. You might want to check with your doctor to cuz thier all a little differnt. goodluck
   — morganjohnsonandfamily

September 26, 2009
i started before 16 days out.i have had no problems.good luck.
   — carolyn1970

September 26, 2009
I was on puree foods 10 post op...You should be good to go..just go slow and you should be fine.
   — linxey

September 26, 2009
I wasn't able to start pureed food till 5 weeks out. I agree, hard boiled eggs (for me) were a no no. I am liking tuna mixed with a litle light mirical whip. good luck, but ask your nut before you switch it up.
   — stephturpin

September 26, 2009
I had to wait 2 weeks to be on pureed foods. My Dr. gave all his patients a handbook that told us what to do from pre-op to post-op. I'm still not able to eat a lot of pureed foods, it has been a pain in the neck. I had my surgery August 13, 2009 Good luck!
   — FSUMom

September 27, 2009
I had to wait 4 weeks to eat anything. But my first food was a scrambled egg. Then I started eating some refried beans wtih some cheese sprinkled on top. IT was soooo good. Just remember when you do eat that you need to chew your food until its practically liquid in your mouth and take small bites. Good luck and enjoy your journey. I am 17 months post op RNY..
   — okbuffy

September 27, 2009
I started on pureed foods immediately...Most surgeons now prefer their patients be on stages from liquid to soft to pureed foods...Some of that is due to the skill of the surgeon (some are new and want you to heal before you try out the surgery lines!) and some due to his opinion on what works better or just because they don't have the time or a class in place to teach you how to eat...You really should follow whatever your surgeon had planned for you for those reasons...If you don't know what to do, you can call and ask your surgeon. My surgeon made us take classes to learn how to eat prior to surgery so I knew exactly what to eat and how to eat it...Many do not offer classes to teach this and therefore give their patients plenty of time to heal so that when they do start they will not hurt themselves...So there is a reason for the differences in different surgeons protocol....IF you do eat pureed foods now...try a little at a time and take a good thirty minutes to eat a few tablespoons of pureed food. CHEW CHEW CHEW til it feels liquified! The longer the food stays in your mouth, the more your saliva enzymes help break the food down similar to stomach acid. If you feel pain, you are eating too fast or swallowing too much at a time...Hope that helps
   — .Anita R.

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