Duodenal Switch surgery

i wanted to no does key stone mercy cover if u wanted to switch to (duodenal) from lapband if u feel its not doing the job for u. please if any one went threw this explain..... thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu    — sunrise78 (posted on October 11, 2009)

October 11, 2009
I don't know about your insurance but going from lapband to DS is going from the least effective surgery to the most drastic one. You could consider the RNY or the VSG. They are both very successful. I had the VSG on 3/25/09 and I have lost 80 lbs. I'm very happy with this surgery it has the least amount of complications and my doctor stated it as a stage one of RNY so my insurance would pay for it. From VSG you can then get the RNY or DS if it is needed. I know the DS has a lot of complications and potential problems including some awful smelling gas problems that can smell up an entire hospital lobby. I would suggest calling your insurance company and your doctors office to find out what is covered and what would be best for you. I hope you have great success.
   — Lisa von Wallmenich

October 12, 2009
I don't have an answer regarding your coverage, but did myself go from a lapband to a duodenal switch and LOVE IT! The duodenal switch gas problem can be easily controlled and I haven't had one complication. It's the best thing I ever did for myself.
   — AmyDiane

October 12, 2009
yep,I say the best is Ds.No puking, nothing to get stuck,no dialations,no strictures,and you get to drink with your meals!!! Oh you can chew your food like a normal person!!And you have the best quality of life,there is so many great rewards.Check out ds under surgical forums,you,ll be glad you did!!!
   — rebecca W.

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