I have not lost any wheight.....

I have my second appiontment with the nusrse and dietician [dr REED's clinic] I have not last any weight since Feb. my question is , will this delay my surgery, will they be disapointed in me, it is not that I have not tried I am sendatary, I have severe back and knee problems and can't walk or excercise so everything I eat is not burnt of and just sits there and turns to fat....sorry I am rambling but I am so nervous about next week...DEB    — pumpkin57 (posted on April 15, 2010)

April 14, 2010
During my six month supervised diet I gained over 10 pounds in one month. What I learned later was my thyroid was failing. I was lectured by my PCP about the gain, but my not by my surgeon. I too was very sedentary at that time. Try not to worry as I am sure you are doing your best. Tell them you are trying and remind them about your physical limitations. My weight gain did not delay or affect my surgery date at all.
   — dasie

April 16, 2010
Deb - One of the best things you can do is to provide them with an accurate food log. Write down everything that goes into your mouth - every sip, every bite. That will back up your efforts by showing them your calorie intake and that you are eating what they are telling you to eat. Have you seen a nutritionist? I had a 6-month waitiing period before surgery where I had to have a supervised diet and exersize program. The exersize was waived due to severe back pain (herniated and bulging discs). It was slow going, but during my 21 months preOp (I had delays for various reasons) I was able to lose 79 pounds. There was no set requirement, but I know my surgery was a lot safer at 310 pounds than it would have been at 389 pounds. Keeping a food log will be very important postOp anyway to track your protein intake, so why not get into the habit now? Also, make sure you are drinking at least 64 oz of water everyday. Our liver and kidneys need this water to efficiently cleanse our blood and metabolize fat and all of the "junk" stored in the fat when we are trying to lose weight. Good luck to you! Diane
   — Diane324

April 16, 2010
During my 6 mo preop, I gained around 10 lbs, so I had to go to the meetings, 1 extra month so I could lose more weight before my surgery.I too was sedentary due to bilateral hip replacements this past yr and 2 dislocations. Would not be taken in to consideration. My dr ofc was very strict on the wght loss prior to surgery, They say your liver needs to shrink. Hope this helps, God bless you on this journey.
   — T R.

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