Has anyone gotten fibromyalgia after getting a lap band?

Had a lap band put in almost 2 years ago and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia one month ago by a rheumatologist. I know that there is no known cause for fibro, but does anyone feel they developed it after getting a lap band? After all it is putting a foreign object into your body.    — conniesrn (posted on November 1, 2011)

November 1, 2011
Good Morning... I had gastric bypass surgery December 2009... I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia many years prior to my surgery. I don't think there is any connection between the two. Fibro is an auto-immume disease. I was also diagnosed with hashimottos disease and multiple sclerosis years before my surgery they are all auto-immune diseases and seem to run hand in hand. There are medications out there that will help with you symptoms. I hope you are doing well with your lapband and I hope you get your fibro under control. Good luck... Debbie
   — fortywhat2

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