Is anyone else struggling to get water intake in?

Hi everyone, I will be 7 months post-op on the 9/11/03. And I have already lost about 110 lbs. Everything is going good for me except my water and protein intake. I can not seem to drink that much water in a day, I must not be trying hard enough and feel so guilty about it. Has anyone ever or is still having a hard time getting their water intake in.    — izzy (posted on September 3, 2003)

September 3, 2003
Hi Isbel: I had similar problems getting my water in. I won't go into much detail since it's all in my profile, but I "tricked" myself into drinking more by filling up a 64 oz bottle at first, and forcing myself to finish it before the end of the day. Now, I'm drinking a gallon day. Same thing...I fill it up, leave it on my desk or on my kitchen counter, and make sure I drink it all before I end my day. It's sort of a mind game, really. I will tell you,'s WORKING! You have to try different things and most of the time it really is a mind game. Good luck!
   — Amy A.

September 3, 2003
Isbel ... congratulations on your weight loss. Would it help if you added sugar free syrup to the water to change the taste, used crystal light in it ... something to make it taste more flavorful. Just a thought.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 3, 2003
I've given up all other liquids except for that one cup of coffee in the am so that I can get in all the water,and still have days when I know I am not getting there. Heres what has helped me enormously-I have a 32 oz bottle in a canvas covering with a strap. I carry this bottle with me everywhere-its on my desk at work, slung over the shoulder and goes to every meeting, in the car, at home. Its become as 2nd nature to me as my purse-feel naked without it. And without it ,I wouldn't get close to getting in enough water each day.
   — Cindy R.

September 3, 2003
Isbell, I have the same problem and i just go with the flow i drink what i can drink and well thats just gonna have to do it for me lol.....i dont force myself to drink that so called required amount however i do sip all day long from morning to nite and in that time i barely get 32 oz of liquids in...i know this is not enough but i cant do anymore then that so i feel at least im getting some in and that is better then nothing at all! good luck to you deanna
   — Deanna Wise

September 3, 2003
I have a hard time drinking plain water, so I drink a combination of things: Crystal Light, decaf iced tea, water flavored with lemon or lime juice, or s/f syrup, and Rocomojo (soy coffee substitute). I struggled at first, but then began to make a project out of drinking. In the morning, I make myself drink 4 ounces of water with the first dose of vitamin supplements. Then, before breakfast, I drink 20 ounces of Rocomojo. An hour after breakfast, I'll have a 16 ounce cup of decaf coffee. An hour after lunch, I'll have a 24 ounce bottle of Crystal Light or decaf iced tea. Voila! 64 ounces of countable liquid before dinner. I'll sometimes also have a glass of liquid after dinner, but that usually makes me have to get up in the middle of the night for the bathroom, so I try not to, unless I missed one of my "projects" during the day. Fairly quickly, that becomes a habit and I don't find it nearly so hard to get the required water in. I admit it's lots harder on weekends because my non-work schedule is so less regimented that I haven't developed a habit about the liquids, but I'm working on it. The trick for me was to develop a routine, and to focus drinking all of what I had as a little project.
   — Vespa R.

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