I am 6 weeks out of lap rny--I have been very nauseated and sensitive to smells.

Has anyone else gone thru similar and does it go away? It gets embarrasing out in public if I am overwhelmed....I am not overeating and am staying away from surgar etc.... Thanks Amy    — AMY C. (posted on March 6, 2006)

March 5, 2006
I too was the same. It does go away. For the longest I could not stand any smells including lotions,bath gels and food. When you are not aware of it or thinking of it so often it just goes away. Now I enjoy smells again and with food I don't get hungry like I used too. It took me about 3 months to realize I enjoyed smelling again.
   — 1968 Loser

March 5, 2006
I could smell every thing. And I do mean every thing. It was awful. I am glad it is fading away.
   — pettykash

March 5, 2006
For me it lasted around 4 months. It was awful! However I wish there was a magic pill so I could have it happen again and lose more weight. Heck, I remember smelling coffee and having to turn around and flee... and I love coffee! It will pass... then you may wish you still had this problem. ;)
   — Danmark

March 6, 2006
Lisa, I experienced the same early out....the first 8 weeks were pretty hard as it relates to nausea and smells, then it got better. At around 3 months, it pretty much left, occassionally I'll experience nausea now but rarely. Good luck! Dana
   — cajungirl

March 6, 2006
Lisa I had surgery on Nov 1st... I remember the day before Thanksgiving I went to the grocery store with my husband to pick up some last minute things.. so I was about 3 weeks out also. As soon as I walked into that store I could smell smoke.. body odors.. it was horrible I had to get out of there before I got sick. Flash forward a few months later and that problem has solved itself. As fast is it came was as fast as it went. It's normal. but won't last long! Good luck to you!
   — KimY

March 6, 2006
Any chance you are expecting????? :)
   — kchurchwell

March 7, 2006
I am 3 days away from being 11 months post and at time I still get sick depending of what I eat and how much of something....which is very small these days! It will get better just hang in there Amy... Robert
   — RobertMiller

March 7, 2006
I am 9 weeks out of RNY ( open). I suffer fron nausea and smell sensitivity ...Although, as time goes on it is getting better. Makes it hard to feel my family with no appatite and the nausea, but it's gtting better..I try to stay away from thnigs that have strong odors..and when i can't , I make soup and pray i make it thru..Good does get better
   — allyson1211

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