Does weight loss slow around 6 months post op? I am down 112 # & slow loss now

Slow start due to complication, etc. Exercising regularly now.    — sandorah (posted on January 29, 2009)

January 29, 2009
Sounds like you've hit your first plateau. If it really bothers you; you can go back to your pre-op diet for a while to jumpstart your system again. Sounds like you are doing fine. Talk to your doc if you are really concerned. vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

January 29, 2009
it you have a lot more to lose? I am 7 months out , have lost 100 lbs and have 10 to go. It has been a slow journey for me, compared to others, and I just keep doing as I was taught and the weight still comes off, just instead of 2-3 lbs a week, its more like 2-3 every 2 weeks or longer. I do everything the same, just with so little to lose, I think my body is fighting more than before to hold onto it. Just keep doing what you are doing and things will work out fine. Of course you can talk with your nut about any problems too. Good luck! hugs, Kim
   — gpcmist

January 29, 2009
You don't say what surgery you had, but I make the assumption that all WLS are similar in this area. I was told that the first 6 months are kind of a "honeymoon" period as far as weight loss. That is when you can expect to have the most rapid weight loss. That has held true for me and I am glad. I was beginning to get a little concerned about how to stop. You have done very well with your weight loss. You will continue to lose, but it may gradually continue to slow down.
   — corky1057

January 30, 2009
It does slow monthly especailly after 6 months...but it doesn't have to stop...You might need to adjust your diet or calories or exercise to keep things going. But you sound like you've done quite well losing 112 lbs in 6 months! Just stay on track and watch how much you are eating...Don't aim for fullness! That's worked for me even when I am just watching fluctuations of only 3 lbs on the scale...I try to not let any fluxes get away from me.If I gain weight...I cut back/measure servings or make it leaner...But yes...It slows down...It did for me
   — .Anita R.

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