Weight not coming off like I expected.

My RNY was 6/3/09. The weight does not seem to be coming off like I thought it would. I've pretty much weighed the same thing for about the last two weeks. I'm doing everything like I'm suppose to with the exception of I can't walk much at all due to arthritis in both knees but I'm doing other things for exercise. I've heard that it's normal to go through period of not losing but I thought that was later on. Anyone experience this as well???    — Kathleen F. (posted on July 4, 2009)

July 4, 2009
From what I hear it is common not to show a loss on the scale for a few weeks after surgery due to water retention, etc. My sister,actually, went home weighing more when she got out of the hospital than when she went in. But it was different for me. You will hear this statement a LOT from now on: "Everyone's body is different." This is very true. So don't start out comparing yourself to others from the get go. You should start seeing a difference very soon. What you are experiencing is not unusual, at all. Keep up the good work. It's gonna happen for you!!!
   — PaulaJ

July 4, 2009
Hi, I agree with Paula. Everyone is different. I have been very fortunate to have lost weight very quickly. I have been careful to stay with my surgeon's reccomendations(I work out aerobically 45 min-1 hour per day 6 days a week, lift weights 2-3 times per week, and average 420 calories per day) Even with that there have been periods with no weight loss and I am expecting a long plateau soon. My first small plateau was 2 weeks after surgery. It sounds like you are doing everything right so the weight will come off. Hang in there. Kevin
   — hapkidodoc

July 5, 2009
IT IS TRUE... WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT...I am 5 1/2 yrs out and was/am a VERY slow looser...Only to find out now my labs have been messed up from the get go... now that they are getting closer to where they should be I am loosing the weight that I should of lost 4 yrs ago... so Please, dont get disscouraged, focus on EATHING HEALTHY, KEEPING BLOOD WORK WHERE IT SHOULD BE, STAYING POSITIVE, AND THE REST WILL FOLLOW... I cant tell you the pounds dont matter, because they do to me, but dont let that be what you focus on. You are on a life long journey, focus on being healthy. God Bless
   — Kalli R.

July 5, 2009
Hi Kathleen.... I agree with what everyone else says, but I'd like to address your exercise issue. I am 56 years old, and for the past two years, I have been experiencing increasingly excruciating back and leg pain, in addition to severe osteo-arthritis in both knees, and severe lateral (sideways) instability in my left knee because I do not have an ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) - it was completely torn when I was about 32 years old, and back then they didn't do cadaver replacements like they do now. My knees are pretty much "bone-to-bone", so walking was a near impossibility due to the pain from both my knees and my back. I had my surgery on March 2, and I was also not losing weight like I thought I should be. I asked my doctor if there was an exercise I could substitute for walking, like, say, riding a stationary bike.... and he said YES!! I was so excited because I have one here, and although I hadn't exercised in years, I began to get on it and peddle while I was watching TV at night. At first, I was barely able to peddle for 10 minutes at the lowest intensity (a resistance level of ONE). But then, I got a series of epidural pain shots in my lumbar spine, and except for my knees, I was virtually pain free. Now, I have joined a gym, and have worked up from that initial 10 minutes on the bike to 30 minutes at a level 6 (enough to make me drip sweat - which I HATE!!), and I also work out on the rowing machine and something that looks like a hand bike - you peddle with your arms. All of that is aerobic, or cardio, exercise.... and that's what your doctor wants you to do. You just have to get your metabolism up so your body doesn't begin to think you're starving, and it holds on to the fat "for emergency fuel". If you are able... I believe Costco still has the 24 Hour Fitness sale going - you pay $299 for a 2 year membership - which works out to $12.50 a month (their regular memberships are at least $30 per month). That's what I did. Then, my family pooled their money and got me an iPod Nano so that I could wear it to the gym and listen to my favorite music while I work out. It's really been a HUGE help. I hope everything smooths out for you soon.... it will, don't worry. You're doing everything right!
   — Erica Alikchihoo

July 5, 2009
I had Lap RNY on 6/9/09, and I, too, had a two week plateau that drove me about crazy. I was sure that I would be the only one that this surgery didn't work for, LOL. Then, I lost 5 lbs this week Reading all the posts, it seems that the most common weeks for plateaus are weeks 3 and 4. My friend had lap RNY exactly one month before me, and she also had a plateau that lasted 3 weeks early on, and since then she's lost 20 lbs.
   — RubyDarkstar

July 6, 2009
I stalled after one week! This seems to be common - your body will take several breaks to adjust to the wieght loss. You could be one of those hormonal losers like me that tend to lose a big number only one week out of the month. Either way, it will come off. Hang in there.
   — cpainter5

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