What type of specialist (Doctor) performs Gall Bladder Surgery?

   — mischief85 (posted on September 3, 2002)

September 3, 2002
I believe any general surgeon can perform gall bladder surgery. When you call the hospital, they'll direct you to the right person.
   — Carolynn J.

September 3, 2002
Hi Steph, The Doc that performed my surgery also does gallbladder. I called you this weekend!!! I'll call you tonight. Sarah
   — sarah C.

September 3, 2002
My gallbladder and RNY were done at the same time by a general surgeon.
   — Patty_Butler

September 3, 2002
Cholecystectomies are usually done by a general surgeon.
   — Gayle H.

September 3, 2002
my gallbladder was removed laproscopically by an internist 10 years ago..mine was an emergency situation though.i have heard having it taken out during wls is a good idea..maybe talking to your doctor about it would be a good idea.good luck..
   — jjettrox

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