How has having RNY affected anyone with Irritable Bowl Syndome?

I have been researching WLS for appr. 1 1/2 yrs. and don't recall having seen this addressed before. I have irritable bowl syndrome and wondered if it would improve after the surgery or make it worse. Any comments or answers would greatly be appreciated.    — GrammaAnn (posted on March 27, 2006)

March 27, 2006
Hi Annetta - I too have IBS and had my surgery on October 21, 2005. I am down just about 80 pounds now and can safely say I believe my IBS has gotten better. As you know IBS mainly comes on due to stress or what we eat so as a result of being healthier I do not suffer as much as I used to. Kim
   — kimmy

March 27, 2006
We cannot give advise on medical conditions. It is best that you contact your PCP or surgeron. They are the only ones that can help you.
   — Steve Cohen

March 27, 2006
Since I feel you have not asked for specific medical advice but for just a general response from people, I am responding. I think I have shown a significant improvement in my IBS since my surgery on December 1, 2005. I have found if I take a small dose of Milk of Magnesia every three days I am as close to being "regular" or normal as I could have ever hoped for. But do make this a question to ask of your doctor. Best of luck to you!
   — LindaLee H.

March 27, 2006
I am not sure that I had IBS before surgery. I mean I wasnt formally diagnosed with it but I damn sure had the symptoms and was pretty sure that is what was wrong with me. My husband used to joke me and tell me that I had the digestive system of a bird. I couldnt get thru a meal without having to get up to go to the restroom. Anway, to answer your question, for me, it totally fixed my problem. My bowels are normal in every way!!!
   — rhonni37

March 27, 2006
Hi Annetta, I did have SEVERE IBS (as well as both of my kids) and since the surgery and eating the different foods that I do now, I have not had a single episode and my kids are much better now too (as our entire food consumption has changed.) I was at goal (lost 125 pounds) in the first 8 months. From a size 22/24 to a 2/4 now. Good luck and hang on tight for the ride of your life!!! Enjoy!!!
   — Laurie's Getnsexy!

March 27, 2006
I have been dianose with it and recommened that the DS would resolve it for me. as any wls should.
   — walter A.

March 27, 2006
Not quite the answer to the question you asked, but if I had known that the DS would almost completely cure my IBS the way it has, I would have begged for the DS JUST for that reason alone. My 3 - 3.5 hour morning bathroom agonies are over in 15 minutes, without pain. Sometimes I go again, quickly, after eating breakfast. Sometimes, I go again right before bed. That's it. No pain, no cramps, no straining, no feeling like I'm never quite done pooping (sorry for the TMI, but this is what she's asking about). Gas and bloating are directly related to what I eat -- white carbs cause problems, but I can deal with that, rather than never knowing what caused it. I am 2.5 years out and the cure for my IBS has been durable. I am SO pleased about that.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 27, 2006
Hi Annetta, My IBS is WAY better I have only had 1 or 2 episodes and i used to have it BAD!!!! I would get an episode after eating a huge meal before so now that I cannot do that it is better. IBS is alos directly related to stress/depression/anxiety and that has definitely improved so I cannot say for sure why it is better but it is probably multifactorial. Good Luck!
   — SteffieBear15

March 28, 2006
Thanks to all of you have taken the time to answer my question. I will be bringing this up with my Doctor, but wanted people's personal experience's, good or bad. So far the response have been greatly positive. It seems that WLS have improved most people's IBS.
   — GrammaAnn

March 30, 2006
Well, have a 34 year history of bowel disease/ulcerative colitis and it was my GI dr that first suggested RNY and also has been my biggest supporter. While UC is not exactly the same as IBS many of the symptoms are similar. I am 7 months out and my UC has dramatically improved. While your GI/PCP/Surgeon can address it from the medical standpoint I have heard from others that their IBS has improved as well.
   — Do-over Girl

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