Vitamins and Accutane

I am scheduled to begin taking Accutane in a couple of weeks. Accutane is a very high dosage of Vitamin A used to treat acne and while on it, patients are not allowed to take any additional vitamin A, including multi vitamins. I checked with my pharmacist to see if there are any multi vitamins without vitamin A, but there is not. I also spoke to my surgeons nurse who recommended that I purchase my vitamins individually while I am on the accutane, but this could be very costly. Does anyone have any ideas about what I could do about my vitamins for the five months I am on Accutane? I take my vitamins daily and nver miss them, so this is a concern for me. Also, do people think that I could get away with purchasing some of my daily supplements individually and just take those and if so, which vitamins would you think would be the most crucial to take during the five months? I will also call the nurse again to see what she thinks would be the most important ones, but thought some of you might know. Thanks    — C. Burns (posted on June 5, 2006)

June 5, 2006
Well, sort of. If you email me privately, I'll give you my ideas. I'm [email protected]
   — vitalady

June 5, 2006
go to it's a great sight that offers vitamins at half price and they are name brand.
   — Jenney

June 7, 2006
God bless you and keep you well while you are on Accutane! I took it about 8 years ago and became SEVERELY fatigued (and I mean EXHAUSTED!), had sore muscles, joints ... Had severe diarrhea. My skin was beautiful for about 6 months after I went off of it, and then the acne returned. I just went back on tetracycline and topical anti-biotics. I don't want to scare you, but please have realistic expectations of the 5 months you are on this medication and the possible return of severe acne. Hopefully you won't have any bad side effects other than dry lips ... I recommend you use Carmex lip balm. Good luck to you ... I wish I could take it again to clear up my acne (some people need a second 5 month round of accutane to permanently clear up acne), but I was so sick that there is no way I would dare try it again. Annette
   — peacefuldaizy

June 7, 2006
Hey, Is it possible for them to adjust the dosage of the accutane to take into account the amount of vit A in your daily? I know that with different meds, they have been able to adjust them to fit in with whatever else I needed to take. Good luck and keep healthy. Lisa
   — Lisa H.

June 7, 2006
No ... Any dose of Accutane carries the risk of OD'ing if you take Vitamin A too. It will damage the liver. I was on a low dose, and I didn't dare take one (This was way before I needed wls...).
   — peacefuldaizy

June 7, 2006
Hey everyone, Thanks for all of your feedback. I was able to speak directly to my surgeon about this issue and he told me that I could eliminate the multi vitamin while I am taking the Accutane as long as I continued to take my calcium, B12 and iron. I am so relieved. Thanks again for your input.
   — C. Burns

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