Lap Band weight question

Did anyone experience weight gain after starting on 'regular foods?' And when you start getting fills, will that help, as well as diet, for weight loss? I've stuck to the diet but noticed an increase......My first fill will be Mar. 9th Than you all for your help and support    — kendalyne (posted on February 14, 2007)

February 14, 2007
Hi, sorry I didn't notice any weight gain after I started eating regular food. I noticed a weight loss, very small but still a loss. I think need to exercise more. From my first month to my fill at 8 weeks I only lost 8 lbs. That's 2 lbs per week. Small but still a loss. Since the pre-op till now( 12 weeks) I've lost 50 lbs and if I could get motivated to work out more I'm sure I'd lose more. I've only had 1 fill and I feel I can still eat too much and I'm looking forward to getting the next fill. Dan
   — bigdooba

February 15, 2007
Aloha! I had my lap band on 9/5/06. I've had one fill in November. I've lost 64 pounds, a little ahead of expected loss. I didn't gain weight with regular foods, but I did notice that the weight loss really slowed down. Once I had the fill, my intake was more restricted and I began to lose again. Hang in there! Make sure you're having bowel movements regularly, getting your fluids, and taking vitamins and calcium. (Vita-Band and Calcium supplements). They will help with the weight loss process. Good luck! P.S. I, too, need to get motivated to exercise more.
   — gtali1954

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