My dad had hiatal hernia repair (his postop course is just like the bypass) and

while eating he gets the hiccups and then retches up clear to whitish foam-like liquid. Has anyone else had this problem? He is 4 weeks postop.    — Im4Tony (posted on June 2, 2007)

June 2, 2007
My "dumping" episodes almost always begin with the white foamy stuff that you describe. (Also, it is pretty much tasteless.) Usually that's all that comes up but if the episode continues, then some or all of the food just eaten, without foam, will then come up as well.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 2, 2007
5 yrs out in july and still get hiccups and then comes the phlem.i think its there forever.its part of your life now.
   — deb44m

June 2, 2007
Hi Mary, thanks for your question. You Dad is too soon out to not check with his surgeon about this. Be sure they are in the "know" about this and follow their advice. Hiccups can be the signs of a leak early on, but at 4 weeks out, it would seem to me that it is not a leak, but it may be a weakness somewhere inside. It may be an issue for him, but please check with his surgeon and follow up for sure. Thanks. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

June 3, 2007
Your Dad has what is known as the Foamies! Not Dumping. Dumping comes out the Butt. But we get the Foamy reaction from eating too fast, not chewing enough before swallowing or drinking to fast by not sipping. Your Dad is fairly new and still should check with his Surgeon to clear the possibility of a Stricture too. The Foamies can last for an hour but for most it'll last from 7-8 1/2 hours. And the White/Clear Jells coming up are actually Siliva and comes up every half hour for me till I finally Vomit whatever caused the blockage.
   — Michael Eak

June 3, 2007
He definitely needs to bring these symptoms up to the surgeon who did his repair---ASAP! I have a big problem with hiccups.... get them all the time, and they even wake me up in the middle of the night. I have to get out of bed until they subside as the sound/movement from my hiccups wakes up my partner. I have found that holding my breath while bearing down (same muscles you'd use to have a bowel movement) for 30-45 seconds usually clears up my hiccups. I might have to do this a couple times in a row but instead of spending 20 minutes trying to get rid of them, this cures me in 2 or 3 minutes. Not sure if the use of muscles or strain is appropriate for your father, at least during the post-op period, is appropriate so I'd check with surgeon but thought I'd share in case it was helpful. Best wishes.
   — mrsidknee

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