Knees hurt

Will after surgery and lossing weight will the pain of get up out of a chair get better. It just seems my knees are swollen and tight feeling.    — redwind50 (posted on June 1, 2009)

June 1, 2009
MAN i hope so. mine have began to hurt all the time. I know its the excess weight.
   — alaskaman

June 1, 2009
I am 4 months out and the pain in my joints is totally gone. I was living on NSAIDS for the joint and back pain prior to surgery and now have no pain. I have my life back. Something to look forward to.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 1, 2009
I had bad arthritis in my knees post op...So bad that I could barely walk and used a cane when I did walk...I was on meds for the pain...After RNY, I was not allowed to take the meds becaue they were NSAIDS....But the first few weeks I was on good meds anyway for surgery...but the time my meds ran out I had lost enough that my knees felt better and better daily...I have been completely pain free in my knees for several years...On rainy days I sometimes feel a little twinge of tightness...Nothing worth even complaining about...So yes...I do believe you will feel amazingly better as you lose weight!
   — .Anita R.

June 1, 2009
I just had a VGS on May 27th and already my knees feel so much better. Prior to the surgery I could hardly walk or stand for 5 minutes at a time. I went back to work Yesterday (June 1st) and was able to get up and down from my chair no problem. I even took the stairs instead of the elevator! Praise God! I can't wait to see how much better I will feel in the upcoming weeks.
   — JellyB

June 1, 2009
I have arthritis all over, and losing the weight has helped tremendously, however losing weight is never going to replace the cartilage in my knees. I'll have to have a knee replacement and probably a hip replacement as well. May God Bless You Abundantly, Kathie
   — KathieV

June 2, 2009
I am almost a year out and initially after my surgery, my knees started feeling great. Now they're back to pre-surgery pain. I carry vicodin in my purse. Like Kathy, the surgery won't replace the cartiledge (can't spell it) or move my knee caps to where they should be. My ortho surgeon said the surgery will help put the knee replacement off until later, but damage has been done. One thing I have noticed is presurgery, I took whole pills. Now I can sometimes get by with 1/4 of a pill. But there are other days when I need the entire dang thing and a few times throughout the day.
   — MKPstamps

June 2, 2009
I'm a little over six months out and my knees, ankles, feet, and hips are getting better every day. I lived on meds for pain so long I thought it was a normal way of life. Thank God it's not. Hang in there, it gets better!
   — Gary Deutsch

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