Has anyone thought of Duodenial Switch and chose Lap RNY instead? Why?

   — Miera (posted on December 16, 2005)

December 16, 2005
went for my 1st pre-op meeting with the surgeon and 1st phyciatric exam today and was told by the surgeon that i might have to have the ds instead of the rny.because i had a nissan fundilocation??? (gerd disease operation)in 99. the problem that he said is that the stomach at the diaphram may be to damaged for the rny. the malabsorbtion rate is higher in the ds and the 5 year outlook is 95%toal body fat loss but you really have to keep with the program as the stomach is left larger so you can eat more BECAUSE OF THE MALABSORBTION RATE so ...
   — donna m

December 16, 2005
i have the same exact situation, I have been seen by 7 bariactric surgeons, and they all have concluded that I can only have the DS(thank God) that is forcing Aetna to provide it. they will be provideing it, as it is a neccesity, and there is no alternative, as your wrap is old,your fundus is ridgid, and the vagas nerve is contained in it, that single nerve is like the spinal cord of your intestinal system,liver,stomach,pancrease, intestines,the whole enslada, damage that nerve and you are a bagette, all six doctors have declined my case and are refering me to Dr Gagner. at NY prebyterian , He has done at least one before with DR Herron, at Mt Sania,when they worked together, with dr Pomp. You can run around, but as did to appease my two insurance companies that both exclude the ds and both are about to approve it for me because of my fundus wrap. Dr G is the Man, or Dr H. Dr Pomp will also beamble to do so, he is my surgeon of record, as dr g does not participate with insurance companies, so he will do the vsg and dr pomp will do the intestinal. do write me, I have a excellent appeal package made up for aetna,and tricare and the va.
   — walter A.

December 18, 2005
I was checking into the BPD-DS because the only person I knew who had had surgery had this procedure. She did very well with it 365 down to 160. She's very happy and healthy now. I know she eats fairly normally--doesn't dump or have problems with sugars like RNY can. But since everyone is different that may not be a deciding factor for anyone. The first reason I decided on the RNY was because of insurance--the closest place to have the BPD-Ds was 200 miles away vs. 50 miles for the RNY. I felt that was too far to go in case of any immediate problems. The other reason is that I, personally, need the "scare" of possible dumping since my downfall is sugar. Either way, I think this whole surgery idea is a lifesaver and what you do with it is your choice (whether you do well or not). Good luck to you.
   — Mrs.Chief

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