Has anyone else missed (girls only question)

I had surgery on March 9th. I was suppose to start my period on Wednesday and have not. Has anyone else had surgery mess there period timing up? I have taken a pregnancy test and it was negative, atleast this time. My doctor suggest i take another one in a couple of days. I am going to the doctor on Monday if I don't start.    — missyheffelfinger (posted on April 13, 2007)

April 13, 2007
Don't worry. I use to have very very heavy ones. Then once I had my RNY they were so light. Then in Oct I didn't get one. I didn't have one for 3 months. I knew (atleast hoped I wasn't pregnant, had a tubal 12 years ago, I better not be. Did 4 preg test at home and the DR even did one). Then I got it very heavy. Then didn't have one for 2 months. Then got one. Now I am back on track. My weight loss DR told me it was my body trying to figure out what had been going on with all the changes with the WL. There are lots of people out there going through the same thing. It will be fine! Your body needs time to catch up! keep up the good work, Like they say, your on the losing end now!
   — Sheila_E

April 13, 2007
Hi Missy, My periods went out of whack as well, but to the other extent, more often and heavier than ever, and not to be gross , but horrible clotting.. I finally got fed up with it all and went to my ob-gyn and had a procedure done called Novasure.. and now no periods at all!! Yeah!! (You can only do this if you are having problems and no longer want children..) your body does take time to adjust, give it a month or so.. good luck, April
   — April

April 13, 2007
OH boy!! I wasn't supposed to start for weeks and started while I was in the hospital. I've spotted on and off since surgery (2/15/07). A lot of women get their visitor early, late and like me - spot for months. Remember, your fat cells store your hormones. When you have surgery and start loosing, your hormones are released back into your body. It can cause all sorts of fun things happening or not, as the case my be. Take another test to be sure - I would suggest a blood test to be 100% certain and then....if might be one of the "lucky" onesd doesn't get their visitor every week. UGH.! Good luck my friend.
   — jammerz

April 13, 2007
Missy... as you can see everyone experiences different types of irregularities. So it is not abnormal. What you want to do, if you are not doing so already, is make sure that you are using some type of birth control method. Being pregnant right now, would dangerous for both you and the fetus. Go to the doc and have a blood test (most accurate) just to be sure...
   — Kari_K

April 13, 2007
I was supposed to have my period a week before surgery, but with all the stress/excitement of getting the surgery, it didn't come until 4 days AFTER yeah...remember stress, excitement, depression...MANY many things can screw up a womans menstral period...take care!
   — crystalsno

April 13, 2007
being as heavy as I was, I hadn't had a normal regular period for the past 3 years--- lucky me I got my period on the day I went in for surgery (Dec 27, 2006) and then I skipped January... I started birth control in February (had to wait for my first period) and then got one in March--- now I spot a little here and there (annoying!) but am slowly getting on schedule. I think your body is like, what the heck is going on?! With the rapid weight loss. I also have had very tender breasts and emotional ups and downs--- all of which I think are pretty normal when you go through something like we all have been. I tried for a year and a half to get pregnant before my surgery and I really believe my weight was affecting my fertility because I got pregnant with my daughter 4 years ago on the first try. Sometimes it's tempting to get pregnant (I've lost 113 lbs since Dec) but I still have about 80 to go to goal. I have to keep remembering that I want to be at a healthy weight before my next pregnancy. Anyway, I think it's pretty normal but probably should get a blood test to make sure! Best of luck!!!
   — airbear762000

April 13, 2007
Of all the adivce here I think Kari Kimsel hit it right on. Mind the Birth Control. See your Doc for a test right now. You are Normal. Good Luck and God Bless, Norma
   — njkbutton

April 14, 2007
Oh Yes!! I followed the same path you did. I did not have a cycle for eight straight months then when it did "show" itself I menstrated for fifteen (15) days often heavy at times. AND THOSE CRAMPS!! I decided to go to my GYN who decided I should have a biopsy and a procedure called a COLPO which I chose not to have because they wanted to attach a $224.00 co-pay towards it! I had an ultrasound/biopsy and aside from a couple of fibroids my innards were fine. Before I began my cycle my primary doctor ordered a FHS blood test which came back a six (normal) My cycles were irregular for a couple of months before regulating itself. BUT NOW.... I had (a complication ) emergency surgery 12/26/2006 for bowel obstruction and ventral hernia repair and going through ammenorrhea AGAIN!! I have not seen a period since Nov 2006! May I add that I am 51 years old. My primary doctor suggested to me that oftentime major surgery can knock one into menopause when one is already perimenopausal but because my hormone study came back a six we knew my cycle would eventually present itself. Seem like my moods were eractic at times as well.

April 14, 2007
ANY SURGERY with anesthesia will mess up your cycle. Also remember high stress will do the same thing. Chances are it's related to that. I don't have to tell you thought that with you being so recent with the surgery make sure that you use TONS of protection if you don't want to get pregnant anytime soon. When you are off your cycle, you don't know when you may be ovulating so chances of pregnancy are much higher. If you are pregnant, don't freak out. Others have been through this right after surgery too, and I'm sure that you will find tons of support as well. It happens.... maybe not the best timing in the world but it happens. Good Luck!
   — oceanrayne

April 18, 2007
I find that if my weight fluxuates.. my cycles do as well. If I gain.. I move up a few days.. if I lose weight.. It will start late. Since you had a negative pregnancy test, I wouldn't worry about it.. its probably your weight moving your cycle around. -Sam
   — momof3

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