Pregnancy after gastric bypass?

I just found out yesterday that I am 1 month pregnant. June is my 2nd anniversary of my surgery. I have some concerns. I am worried about the baby getting the proper nutrition. Of course gaining weight is going to be difficult emotionally and psychologically. Does anyone have any suggestions about vitamins that would be more likely to be absorbed by my body? I know I'm not the first one to have ever done this, but I'm more scared about this than I was about even having gastric bypass.    — Michelle W. (posted on May 15, 2007)

May 15, 2007
Well, let me put your mind to rest, I was 6 weeks pregnant when I had my bypass! The lab goofed my preg. test! Anyway, I lost 120 lbs. and delivered a healthy now 4 yr. old baby boy at 37 weeks weighing 7lbs. 2oz. Mother nature wasn't bypassed and will provide, You on the other hand might suffer, take your vitamins, eat healthy, and enjoy every minute of your pregnancy! Email me for more support if you need it [email protected]
   — Emiley E.

May 16, 2007
Congratulations on your pregnancy Michelle. Don't be afraid, but I am glad you are looking for answers. Being two years out, you should be just fine. Eat extra "small" meals during the day, but make every snack count. Vegetables, protein sources, good stuff. Regarding vitamins, check with your local GNC store. I just started an iron supplement that they make that is easier to absorb, and I am pretty sure they make a multi vitamin that does the same. I also space out my vitamin taking so that the body has time to react. For example I take a multi vitamin that requires two pills during the day, so I take one and then several hours take the other one. That way if some of the absorbtion is missed the first time, it has a 2nd chance. Yes it takes more time to keep up with this, but my health is very important to me. It takes time to do stuff right. I also be sure and eat a small amount before I take a pill, that, I think, gives it a little more time in the pouch to disolve, rather than run on through. Listen to your doctor and stay healthy for your pregnancy, you will be surprised at how you feel at birth. Take care, Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

May 16, 2007
i am 26 years old and have no children yet, i plan on having wls in aug or sept and when i first went for my consultation with the surgeon a major concern of mine was can i have children after wls. he told me of course i can, but they just want pt's to wait at least 18 months. you are passed the 18 months so your body should be well adjusted to the surgery. be happy and enjoy your pregnancy. follow the doctor's instructions and eat healthy, hope this helps, holly.
   — RNlvnCARSON

May 16, 2007
Just to help put your mind at ease, I am 4 years post op, and have delivered two healthy little girls since surgery. I was pregnant with my first girl only 10 months post op and was very nervous. I took extra vitamins and kept up with healthy and safe exercise such as walking, swimming etc. Good luck and Congratualtions.
   — joencheri

May 16, 2007
Do an internet search with this typed in: "pregnancy after gastric bypass surgery" and "pregnancy after weight loss surgery" you should get all the info you need....
   — Kari_K

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