RNY VS. Lap Band? 1 Yr OUT.

Has anyone had the lap band and the converted to the RNY? If you have the RNY and that was your first choice what is the reasons you chose it over the lap band? Do you have any regrets with the RNY? I am confused I thought I was like 110% sure of the lap band and now I have gotten so much more info in the RNY. I don't know what to do! If you are in OKC that would be SO HELPFUL or if you had Dr. G in OKC please I NEED SOME HELP HERE! Feed me all of the info you have!!!! I need like a million opinions from both RNY and Lap band!!!!    — bridgadean (posted on August 16, 2007)

August 16, 2007
I was going to get the lap band, had the surgery scheduled and about two weeks before the surgery I switched to the RNY and I am so glad I did. I had several friends who had the Lap Band and a couple the RNY. The "Lap Band Group" all said the same thing, there is a lot of follow up involved and they did not loose as much weight as quickly as they liked. I had my RNY on May 10th, I weighed 245 lbs and I now weigh 178 (67 lbs lost in 4 months!) and to be honest, I just recently started exercising. I like the fact that I dont have to go in for adjustments and fills etc. I was in the hospital overnight and that was it, no regrets. Good luck deciding! Allie T
   — AllieT

August 16, 2007
hi there i agree with Allie -- i didn't want all the follow-up -- going in for fills all the time -- not losing as much weight as fast -- plus my insurance didn't cover the lap band at the time of my surgery -- but i did research it -- people talking about how the port sticks out when you lose the weight -- if they move they have to find another dr to do the fills -- someone was complaining that insurance won't cover the fills -- the band can slip -- scar tissue -- not for me -- too much to do -- i wanted in and out haha and that is what i got with my RNY -- in on wednesday, out on friday, driving on monday, back to work in 2 weeks -- and i have a very physical job! i have no regrets what so ever with the RNY -- best choice i ever made in my life! my husband too! i'm a normal size in 8 months -- started at 228 and this morning the scale on the floor said 140 -- can't beat that :) good luck in your decision -- Roberta
   — RCassety

August 17, 2007
I too started out looking at having the band. But the more i researched it, the more i realized that the RNY was more for me. I have heard of too many people who have the band and do not lose as much or as quickly as they had hoped. (Not knocking the band, i also know people who have been very successful with it....) FOR ME....that is the key, you have to look at it on a personal level. No two people are alike and the RNY is not for everyone. Now i am 1 week PRE-OP, so I am not a professional on this. But i have family and friends who have the RNY and are very happy and successful with it, and i am confident i have chosen the right one for me. Now you asked about RNY after Band, so i assume you have had the band, one year right? I do know that there are those who have RNY after the Band, and, vice versa. There are some who have gained back some with RnY then had a band over thier RnY. So, there are options. Good luck in your journey and i know you'll make the right choice! Stephanie
   — slynn33

August 17, 2007
Like the other's who have answered here I too did alot of research and had friends who had the lap band and some who had the RNY. I went to a seminar on the lap band and was impressed but when I checked with my insurance they would only pay for the RNY. I then went to a doctor who did RNY surgery and sailed on through from there and like someone else said I'm so glad I did. I only had to stay two nights and on the third day I was out feeling pretty good. I have lost 109 in a little over 5 months and am well on my way to losing the rest I need to lose (116). I haven't had any major problems except I had to have my gallbladder out three weeks ago and had probably needed that done in the past if the doctor's I had been going to had been as good and wonderful as Dr. Lowe in Charlotte, NC is. Would I do it over again? YOU BET I WOULD! My life has changed for the better and I feel like a new person even though I have aways to go but with God's help and loads of support from family, friends, TOPS (weight loss group Take Off Pounds Sensibly) and of course I know it's only a matter of time till I do reach my goal. Now I've seen people lose on the lap band and keep it off then also I've seen people gain it back and also with the RNY procedure too so I believe like anything else if you want to be successful at losing the weight with any type of weight loss surgery you have to do what they say to do and change your life style to a healthier life style and you will be successful and remember everyone is different and will lose weight differently so be positive about what ever choice you make and you'll do fine. Good luck in whatever you chose to do and God Bless.
   — TrevaDeck150

August 17, 2007
Although I am once removed from this experiance but I can tell you to look at the risks involved. My Daughter had a Lap Band and my son-in-law had RNY. Both within 1 week of each other. My daughter has lost 40 pounds since June 1 and VERY happy with the lap band. He on the other hand had RNY with alot of complications . Yes he has lost 68 pounds but he almost died 2X and now after almost 3 months he still has a leak and has not had even a sip of water since June 1. He is surviving on IV fluids and TPN. Look carefully at the staticts of both surgerys. Maybe you don't loose as fast with one but the complications are not life threatning with the lap band.
   — Dotty1775

August 17, 2007
I have a Band and love it .. it is a very personal decision. I don't mean to throw a monkey wrench into your decision, but don't forget about the DS, which is also a very viable option if your doctor does those.
   — Jeanie

August 17, 2007
RNY is the gold standard of wls. But this is a personal decision and one you have to live with. I had RNY because my doctors (endo and surgeon) both said it would be better for my diabetes and was much more restrictive which I felt I needed. Sugar is my big problem (I was addicted) and I knew I could still have it with lapband. I also wanted to get the weight off as quickly as possible. I know people who are losing very very slowly with lapband and some are "cheating"....I didn't want a port or going constantly for fills. I do know of people who had lapband, weren't successful and ended up going back for RNY. Good luck with whatever way you decide.
   — Sheri A.

August 17, 2007
if you are a sweet eater a band is not for you. If you are a grazer and an compulsive overeater it is not a good thing. YOu can drink milkshakes all day and there is nothing to stop you. I had the RNY because I am all of the above and I am glad. Bands you have to be very strict and compliant or it will not work. You eat high sugar with a rny most get sick I need that kick in the pants!
   — DonnaB.

August 17, 2007
Hi there! I just had the RNY on August 6, and had staples and drain tube out August 16. What a relief! I too looked at the lap band, as one of my drs had it and has lost a LOT! However, he has a nurse who can do his fills and he did not need to go back to Florida (from Kansas) for the frequent fills. He has shared his experiences with me, as have three friends who have had the RNY. I would suggest you select a dr who is a bariatrics of excellence facility, which is what my dr's office is. I heard there is a wonderful facility in Edmond, but I do not know where it is. Also, there is a hospital in Tulsa that is supposed to be good, but my insurance would not cover anything in Oklahoma. I can tell you between my 2 week liquid proteins and since surgery, I have lost 37#, and I am not hungry! Best wishes, and good luck! LaNeta Locke
   — KansasGal

August 17, 2007
That is great that you are doing the research. I myself have decided on the Lap-Band. I haven't had the surgery yet abut the reasons are because weightloss is slower, it will give time for my body to adjust, it is adjustable, so if I hit a plataue, time to get a fill. Weigh out your options and decide what is best for you.
   — MySonsMama

August 17, 2007
Thank you all so very much for your answers! I know this is my decision but it is always good to have a groups opinion. I know 3 ppl who have the lap band and one who had the RNY and then one with the RNY lost more weight combined than the 3 lap band. My husband has the band and he has figured out how to "eat through it" I am just worried by watching him and being in the same house hold I will gain those bad habits and I know with the RNY I can't. But I am scared of the complications from the RNY.....I have 2 small children and I just don't well one die or 2 have to hospitalized from complications...I don't have a ton of family around that can take care of kids if something does go wrong. THANK YOU ALL AGAIN!!!!
   — bridgadean

August 17, 2007
I was scheduled 3 times for RNY all 3 times it fell through. Finally, I decied to become pro-active rather than re-active, I figured that I was not going to let insurance dictate my choice any more. The more reseaqrch that I did, the more I was impressed with the band. I love the fact that it is 100% reversible. I don't like the fact that with the RNY, that you are by-passing an organ that god gave to you to use. what do we know about long term effects of a stomach that does not function? I like the fact that my body still has to operate as god intended it to. Not to bring religion in to it, but it was a concern that I had. I also loved the fact that I still had some control over my life... I am a sugar a holic as well, but the thought of NEVER being able to have sweets again was almost more than I was willing to agree to. I had to mentally be 150% ready for this surgery. I did my homework, and didn't let anyone elses opinions trump my own. I was totally sold on RN"Y. No one could change my mind. When I heard about the band, I did my homework, and decided on the band. I have had wonderful luck with my band. I think that alot of my success has been #1 knowing your doctor and his credentials. There are alot of Dr's out there, but how much do you know about them. The dr I chose has been doing the band for over 10 yrs, it has only been approved here in the US for 4. I e-mailed over 500 of my dr's patients and got over 400 responses back, all different, so I know that they were actual clients. I had surgery 2-2-07, my first fill was 3-15-07 since my first fill, i have lost 115 lbs in 5 months. Don't tell me the band doesn't work. But like my dr told me the night before surgery, it is not a magic pill, if you are not willing to work the band, don't waste your money and go home. I love my band!!!!! But I also love a SMALL shake once in a while. But it is a matter of re-learning portion control....and getting a dr that is more interested in you as a person than just another $ in their pocket. All I can say is research research research and let your heart guide you. You will know what is right for you. Best of luck...
   — mccabesmom

August 18, 2007
Someone else mentioned the duodenal switch (DS). Check out that forum. I had RnY and now looking to have a revision to a DS. With DS you can eat more normally, have a pyloric valve (hope I can get mine back), no dumping, better weight loss overall, better chance of keeping weight off, no room for a revision after DS. I wish I had gotten it done first. You may have to go out of town for a reputable DS doctor, but could be so worth it.
   — KRWaters

August 18, 2007
   — laketahoe_mom

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