1 week out of lap rny... when does the weight loss begin?

This might sound like a silly question but being a week out and feeling like I've lost nothing is a downer. I had lost 4 pounds the week before my surgery putting me at 279 when I went in and they weighed me again after and because of the gases I was back at 283. I've been eating the right things but not walking as much as I should because of an unusual amount of pain. How have you people lost in the first week or two?    — megan23 (posted on June 24, 2008)

June 24, 2008
I was told not to focus the first two weeks prior to surgery on losing weight. Just to relax and drink the protein and walk to get rid of the gas. There is still alot of swelling and it will take time for you to "get back to normal". I had Lapband surgery not RNY but its basically the same thing as far as recovery. It took about 4-6 weeks before I actually saw the scale move and once the swelling went down and was able to exercise more...the scale has gone down since. Good Luck! -- Karen
   — Karen M.

June 24, 2008
Hello, I did not begin to lose at all until the end of my second week. It is normal. Mine began slow then took off like a rocket. I am sure you will do the same. the journey is not an easy one and you will hit "stalls" but that is normal too. right now your body is in a catabolic state, and must recover. It will. Good luck to you! and congratulations on becoming a "loser"
   — dessary316

June 24, 2008
I'm glad you posted. I'm four weeks out and have only lost 5 pounds. I am retaining a lot of fluid and hope to get that taken care of soon. I think if we just keep doing what is right the body will HAVE to shift. It won't have a choice. I know how frustrating it can be. Don't get on the scale. Get a little exercise, even walking 5 minutes is better then nothing and you are establishing a routine in your brain. Focus on what you are doing right and pat yourself on the back for these things. You are getting healthier on the inside even if the outside doesn't show it yet. It will catch up. We are lovely people, not a number. Anything you do towards a healthier you is going to pay off in the long run. When we weren't born walking. It was lift head, roll over, roll over across the room, sit assisted, fall over, sit, fall over, sit -got it, on all fours, rocking, eventually we walked, all those little steps but by about 1 year, we were toddling around. Small moves add up. Hang in there! Let me know how you're doing. We can encourage one another. Laura
   — waterlover

June 24, 2008
Same thing for me - I came home from the hospital expecting to be lighter and infact was heavier, because as I was told, a pound of air weighs a pound! It took about 7-10 days to start losing for me, and then it was a like the space shuttle taking off to outerspace! So hang in there, concentrate on helping your body recover from this major traumatic surgery, and the rest will take care of itself, I promise!!! :)
   — jennw2ns

June 24, 2008
dont feel bad I am two months post surgery the first week I gained 20 pounds, mostly fluid granted, but what a downer. Hang in there I have now lost 35 pounds in two months.
   — debschmi7

June 24, 2008
Congratulations on your decision to have surgery, Megan. First of all, weigh only once a week. It is hard but it keeps discouragement away. I had RNY and lost 14 the first week but I knew it was water, etc. I have now lost steadily at a rate of 3-4 pounds a week but I work out a lot. Be patient - it will happen.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 24, 2008
Our bodies all handle surgery differently, but one thing that is true for all of us, is that we have to give the surgery at least a year...not a week or a month , but a full year...Most people no matter what rate they lose, will either slow down or speed up or sail steady and lose about 100 pounds give or take a few. Some lose a whole lot more...and some a little less. We don't all start at the same weight either or with the same be gentle with yourself and just do what you were told and you will have success whether slowly or quickly or in spurts...One year! Okay? Be well! Stay healthy!
   — .Anita R.

June 24, 2008
Megan, Don't get frustrated with your weight loss or lack thereof. I didn't get weighted until two weeks out and lost 14 lbs in that first two weeks. The first week I knew that I didn't loose anything...I was still retaining the fluids that they pumped into me while I was in the hospital. I know exactly what day I started loosing the'll know too when it happens, believe me. Focus on getting enough fluids and protein and don't worry about the WL until your more than two weeks out. I have to tell you that I went through a period where I didn't loose anything for about three weeks also when I was about two months out. Good Luck.
   — deebunny38

June 24, 2008
Put the scale away for a couple of weeks! I was weighing myself daily then it clicked with me - why am I so hooked on how much weight I'm losing? Yes the number is important, but so is how I feel, how I look and how my clothes fit. The day I came home from the hospital, I was all ready off my diabetes medication, to me that was more important than the amount of weight I've lost. I'm 8 weeks out from my lap banding and will weigh in on Friday of this week to see my results at that time. Don't get discouraged, like everyone has said, all of a sudden it starts coming off and continues and the best thing is that you will know it without even getting on a scale! You've started a new journey in life and you will be glad you did. Remember, the surgery is not a cure-all, it's a tool to help us with our weight loss. It has taken a while to put the weight on, so it will take a bit to take it off. Best of luck to you.
   — Monte57

June 24, 2008
well...I had lap band surgery on 4/14/08 and I'd like to stress that the first month or so it's better to concentrate on just HEALING and taking care of yourself. You probably will start losing more weight soon bur remember your body's been through trauma because of the surgery and needs proper nutrition so just follow your nutritionist's eating chart and then when you are out of pain and feeling better you can concentrate more on exercise and the scale.
   — Mary H.

June 24, 2008
ps...Anita, that's very good advice and something I myself needed to hear!
   — Mary H.

June 25, 2008
I did not feel like I had lost any weight the first two weeks, but when I went for my first Dr appointment, 12 days after surger, I was down 29 pounds! Dont lose heart, your losing!
   — nicole30

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