Whatcan i do im almost 5mo out and have only lost bout 60lbs,still feel real fat!

   — mskimmi09 (posted on March 20, 2009)

March 20, 2009
I think you are doing good right where you are as long as you are following your doctors rules. 60 pounds is good at 5 months. Hang in there hon and keep up the good work!
   — katiecakes

March 20, 2009
Patience, patience and more patience! I told myself, "It took me a long time to get this weight and it will take me time to get rid of it". You are doing GREAT! Follow your surgeon's directions and it will come. It is a journey and it will be a life-long journey of health and fitness! Sincerely, Rena RNY 4/30/08 Duke, NC 110 lbs, 117 lbs. lost FOREVER!
   — RenaMansi

March 20, 2009
Kim, sometimes we hit a platue, but check to make sure you are not taking in extra salt and sugar in your diet. Activities, activities, get moving.
   — Start306_65Goal180

March 20, 2009
Youe loss is great!! over 10 lbs a month.Now u need to reprogram your brain.seeing and feeling are important but sometimes not reality.I know this sounds crazy but this is how i started to do this.I took a 5x7 card wrote onit a saying"hello Bette ,You look great,so much slimmer than the last time I saw you !Great <Keep up the good work.I taped this on every mirror in my house except the living room one.Every time i went past one i forced myself to stop ,look me square in the face and read the message .At some point i stopped reading and began to believe this.and now i can do it with gusto and i believe it.what a change in my program (my brain that is)keep up the good work this is for the rest of u'r life if u want to keep it off,thats why our brain needs to be reprogrammed.
   — Bette Drecktrah

March 21, 2009
Most docs prefer you to lose about 10 lbs a month for skin and health reasons. I didn't see any of my weight loss either til I was about 65 lbs lost, myself! Others that haven't seen you though must gasp at all that weight! That's when even my most snooty neighbers came out to say something nice! LOL 5 mos and you are not even half way done yet! Give yourself the full year! If you really want to kick it up...then my suggestion would be to add a brisk walk now that spring is here and see if that doesn't get the pounds moving a little faster! You'll get there! that you are 60 lbs smaller...even small weight loses will be much more noticeable on a smaller you! When we are MO...5-10 pounds is a glass of water! On a smaller person it can be an entire size! So you are ALMOST at the point where you WILL begin to see the results of all your hard work...60 pounds is quite a chunk sweetie...It's a good sized child! Give yourself some credit! You are doing fine!
   — .Anita R.

March 21, 2009
I think you should give yourself a pat on the back. That's more than 10lbs per month!!! Don't think I ever did that on any previous diet, how about you. Give yourself a big hug and count every day as a learning process rather than a pound lost and you will find the journey is not as stressful as it seems. Good Luck!!!
   — bariatricdivalatina

March 28, 2009
Don't be so hard on yourself. You are doing great! I have lost over 100 lbs and I still see me as fat while others say I am too small. Hang in there and keep up the good work.
   — mamapeaches05

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