I'm having a panniculectomy and massive hernia repair

ok has anyone lost there hair after after this surgery???i losty hair after the gastric bypass...and 28 years ago after the birth of my son I lost my hair..but not with the other 4 surgeries I had. .i had my surgery almost 3 yrs. to the date of my gastric bypass...I'm excited and freaked out all at the same time...I'm hopin to do well been told 4-5 hr surgery that scare me even more...I will probably have more questions for u all...thanz    — biggybaby2004 (posted on August 18, 2014)

October 29, 2014
I lost some hair after my gastric bypass too. I hope your panniculectomy and hernia repair went well and that you didn't lose your hair. :)
   — Cathy W.

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