Can any of you long-term post-ops help me?

I'm 5-1/2 years out from my open VBG, and have had very few complications. Even this far out, there are a few things that I still can't handle -- bread, most meat, etc. But recently -- in the last week -- I can't seem to hold anything down. I haven't been able to hold solid food down since last Wednesday, and now even liquid is starting to give me a problem. I don't have any other symptoms -- no fever, no chills -- so I don't think it's the flu. If it was food poisoning it'd be over by now. I don't want to run to the doctor unnecessarily, but I'm starting to worry. Can you guys help me out here? Many thanks!    — Cheryl Denomy (posted on November 1, 2005)

November 1, 2005
You need to be seen by your doctor TODAY! Or at least call. Being that sick for a day is ok, but you've been sick for several days. You aren't bothering the doctor. This is what he/she is paid for. ~Michelle "Pookie" Engelmann
   — Michelle E.

November 1, 2005
You need to run to the Doctor not walk. You must stay proactive about your body and what it's telling you. I had Gastric Bypass June of 2004, the surgery was great, back to work the same week. But this year I had some problems after eating, even something little like yogurt. They did test after test after test and nothing showed up. But the pain would get so bad I had to call for an ambulance 4 times. Nothing showed til I was totally blocked and on my death bed. One week in ICU and two weeks in a regular room, and three months to recover from this one. Turned out to be a small bowel blockage, internal hernia, which also caused a blood clot. I don't mean to scare you, but hopefully they can take care of you before it gets worse. And by what you are describing right now, it's bad and you should go to your doctor ASAP. Feel free to e-mail me at my personal address: [email protected]. I'm concerned about you.
   — Donna M.

November 1, 2005
Hmm, ya...I'm with everyone else here. Get in to see the doc today.
   — RebeccaP

November 1, 2005
you have a problem with your band most likely, Go see your Doc and det yourself fixed up. Not tomorow, today! Otherwise things could get serious.
   — Lise K.

November 1, 2005
I agree, first see your doctor! I have had my Gastric Bypass about two years ago now and when able to eat solids after the first 6 months I started taking Noni Juice and it help me. And am able to eat anything, small amount of course. If you want more information on it let me know! [email protected]
   — Loretta D.

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