When do people usually eat salads?

I'm just one month post-op after a Lap RNY, and I wondered at what point do most get to start eating salads? I mean, just lettuce, romaine, etc. with a bit of dressing? I crave it like crazy! I am on semi-soft food now, still struggle with things like toast, but can eat crackers, and I can even eat hamburger if I puree well in my mouth first. I wondered though when I can eat more veggies and the like. I want to eat healthy, and am sooo tired of the puree's, soups, and the mushy stuff. I love fruit and veggies! Any help is appreciated! Cheryl    — Cheryl K. (posted on November 17, 2007)

November 17, 2007
Doctors have slightly different protocols as to when you can eat specific foods. Follow your doctor's protocol, and you'll do fine. You're only 4 weeks post op. I had surgery 1 1/2 years ago, and I was impatient at times. When you can eat salads, you can have a larger portion than normal, since the lettuce tends to pack down, allowing you to ear a larger portion. Be careful of dressings, they may cause you problems.
   — Dave Chambers

November 17, 2007
I think from my surgeon it was 3 months -- but I waited four. If they said I could do such and such at 3 weeks, I add an additional week just to play it safe.
   — the7thdean

November 17, 2007
Seems like our doctor (my husband was banded on 5/17/07 and I on 10/26/07) is pretty liberal. we only had to liquid for 4 days prior to surgery and surgery for 2 days on the 3 day we were allowed to add v-8 juice, yougurt and cream soups, the day 5 & 6 apple sauce, pudding, day 7 you can add mashed potatoes, cream of wheat well cooked vegie soup, and well cooked beans, days 8-9-10 baked potatoe, oatmeal, soft boiled or scrambled egg, cottage cheese , canned pears, day 11-12-13 fresh fruits, day 14- 15 baked fish, tuna with fat free mayo, toast or crackers, small amount of rice pasta or vegies (not asparagus, celery or corn) and whole grain cereal, days 16-28 baked turkey, chicken and salad. We are told to eat protien first and then some of the other things. I hope this all helped. take care and God bless
   — cleofet

November 17, 2007
Hi- Please know that every doctors post-op requirements are different and you should consult with your nutritionist. I am 3 months post-op VBG and was told that I can now start on salads. Good Luck!
   — MariaRN

November 17, 2007
I had lap band, so I know our restrictions were different. I was a little afraid of salad, lettuce specifically thinking it would be hard to get down however I found it was one of the easiest things to eat and stay full feeling. I asked my doc about it and he said eating lettuce is like drinking water. Follow your doctor's aftercare advice, but don't be afraid of salad when the time comes. Even when my band was too tight all I could eat was oatmeal and salad. Happy Holidays!
   — beckiemclarty

November 17, 2007
Hello, you sound just like me one month post-op. I craved salad like crazy! What helped me was my first taste of avocado. I didn't start eating salad regularly until I was cleared for all foods. And even then salad didn't sit well for quite a while after that. I wouldn't try it now if I where you.. I took one bite at 6 weeks out and made myself so sick. It's just not worth it. Make some home made guacamole with some refried beans and a little bit of FF sour cream... it seemed to work for me. Also.. broccoli spouts worked well for me before lettuce did. I also juiced carrots and apples and made popsicles. They taste very good.. 4oz popsicle was all I needed and it met my craving for veggies. I had cooked broccoli at 5 weeks with some alfredo sauce. Also.. beef veggie soup is good.. though I understand.. not as wonderful as fresh! It will come soon though. Follow your doc's orders. Your doing great! -Shakeira Hope that helps. -shakeira
   — Hisdove

November 17, 2007
Every surgeon has different criteria about what you can eat and when. Check with your surgeon or nutritionist to see what they say. I used to eat a lot of salads before my surgery, but now my stomach can only handle a little bit of lettuce at a time or I get sick and I had my surgery 11 1/2 months ago. I have been craving a spinach salad with raspberry dressing and fresh raspberries for months but know that it would not be a good idea.
   — posprudence

November 17, 2007
(always check with your doc first) I started trying one new veggie at a time at 6 weeks. I did small bites of cucumber slices and those worked for me... Everyone is so different on what is tolerated.
   — robinmarra

November 17, 2007
personally i had my first salad at 7 months --keep in mind that salad does not offer many nutrients -- it is high in fiber -- it has NO protein value at all -- unless you add the chicken and eggs and cheese to it -- eating healthy is not about fruits and veggies -- it's about balance in what you eat --try to keep your carbs low (crackers, bread, rice, pasta, potato) and your protein high (fish, meat, poultry, dairy) protein will help with the healing process also -- start reading the nutrition labels on foods -- milk and fruits have 'natural' sugars, so they will tend to be high -- and pay attention to 'serving size' on the labels -- walmart has fruit cups made with splenda in the walmart brand Great Value -- hae some banana's since they are high in potassium -- good luck to you :) and you will be amazed at what you put into your body when you start to read labels -- i even track my calories, sugars and proteins daily -- i'm amazed by the day to day differences :) take care Roberta
   — RCassety

November 17, 2007
With my doctor's plan, they really don't ever want you eating salads because there is no protein in salad. I am to have 75% of my diet dense proteins and 25% complex carbs. Toast and crackers Never! This is the way I will eat the rest of my life and I love it. Veggies are ok, fruit ok within reason.
   — kaktchr

November 18, 2007
i am almost 7 weeks post-op and ate a few bites of salad with tuna on top 2 days made me sick, so i would recommend waiting a little longer. every person is different and some tolerate things others don't, but in my paperwork it did say salad and raw veggies are very hard to digest and alot of people don't tolerate them. good luck, i have found everything is trial and error... Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

November 18, 2007
Hi! Every doctor seems to think different, but I was told to wait 18 months to try small portions of salad: lettuce has a lot of fiber and I won't be able to tolerate it. Better wait. Good luck. Margarita
   — MargaritaRM

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