Anyone with hypothyroid medication absorbtion problems?

Just last week, I had some blood work done and got the results. The dr. said that my thyroid was off the charts one was super high and the other super low. He said it looked like I hadn't been on any medication but I have for years now and when he tested me I had been taking .250 for months. He thinks I am not absorbing it. He increased my dosage to .375 and I will test again soon. Anyone out there with similiar situation? I could use some advise. He also said if my thyroid was correct I would lost alot my weight. What can I do? HELP    — psmeshell (posted on March 12, 2008)

March 12, 2008
Virgin Coconut Oil may or may not help you...It helped me. I don't believe it would hurt to try it...but remember it is still a saturated fat (medium chain fatty acid) although it has many awesome remedies and benefits...Below are just a few sites to browse. I have used it for five years and have nothing bad to say about it at all. It tastes awesome too. I take a 1/2 tsp almost everyday and my cholesterol,HDL, LDL and Triglicerides are awesome! Last test 26 Feb 08. My Th3 and 4 are also normal after being hypothyroid. Read up on it if you think it might help you...If not, it's a great tasting, good fat to cook with! I also use it as lotion for dry skin, hair and nails. It makes a great hand slave mixed with essential oil of lavender when gardening. It has many uses if you find it doesn't work for your thyroid. You might want to do a search for more medical testimonies by searching "medium chain fatty acid" and read what doctors say about coconut oil too! I'm not a doctor...Just a regualr person that uses the stuff and loves it.
   — .Anita R.

March 12, 2008
I've had the same issue, my thyroid was ablated a few months before surgery. I've had to have my meds increased several times since surgery. I don't check here often so if you have more questions I can be reached at [email protected]
   — newslady72712

March 13, 2008
I take .20 synthroid and my doc suggested I crush or break the little pill and take with breakfast. I was checked a few weeks ago after 6 months and I am still in balance. Crushing the pill was too dificult, so I just cut it in half in a pill splitter and take it with yogart.
   — William (Bill) wmil

March 13, 2008
I searched the Q&A's about 'hypothyroid' (because I take synthroid too and your question worried me) and found a post from 2001 where a woman said her pharmacist told her not to take her synthroid at the same time as her calcium, because the calcium keeps the synthroid from absorbing. Could that be your problem?
   — abeeba

March 13, 2008
I take Cytomel with my Synthroid (Levothyroxine). Might be that you are not converting. Along with that...I make sure I don't take my thyroid meds with anything else except vitamin C. It's fussy, and likes to be alone. Like likes to be by itself too. Regards~
   — Statuesque

March 13, 2008
Haven't had surgery yet - can only add to the comments about taking synthroid alone. It was recommended to me for absorption - take synthroid with a full glass of water on an empty stomach 2 hours before eating (1 hour works for me). The pharmacist can tell you what other meds you can and can't mix with synthroid. In my case I was told I could take all my meds except the multivitamin with it-- It was suggested to take the multivitamin at night. My problem is I get nauseated if I don't eat right after taking my other meds - so I have to take the thyroid med first then wait to take the rest. BEAR IN MIND though I have not had instructions about this for post surgery and meds that the surgery requires, or timing of eating etc. My blood tests did return to normal once I started taking the med separately without increasing the dose. Also It might be you need brand name , not generic meds. I was surprised when my doctor told me to ask the pharmacist about all this- but that's where I got my answer.
   — drbarb

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