RNY - What is your experience with crushing pills?

Am about to have RNY surgery and am on several meds. I am having real aversion to the idea of crushings these pills and vitamins, as my surgeon has us on lots of calcium and other vitamins. What is your experience with this?    — Stonelady (posted on October 31, 2009)

October 31, 2009
First check with your doctor and or pharmacist to be sure the medications you are on can be crushed! Some are not meant to be crushed and will alter the way they work. Vitamins come in liquid form.
   — kmom1420

October 31, 2009
I have never crushed my pills...And I take a lot of meds. I had RNY 1.5 years ago and never had a problem...
   — okbuffy

October 31, 2009
I never crushed my medication either and still don't. I had to take them one at a time because for some reason could not swallow them at once like I used to, but even in the hospital after surgery my doctor gave me my regular medication whole. I did have to change my depression medication from time released to regular release twice a day but that is the only change. I also agree that many meds cannot be crushed. I think this is an old way of thinking and with new procedures and more studies they are finding it is not necessary.
   — Kathy Thomas

October 31, 2009
The first month post surgery I had to crush everything. I also didn't start the vitamins and calcium until the 1 month mark. Now I don't have to crush anything. Oh and get the liquid Tylenol,the crushed tylenol was terrible. Good luck.-SS
   — Nurseducky

October 31, 2009
crushing pills was horrible. i got so sick from crushing my zoloft in the hospital that i stopped taking it for over a week. i then started cutting them into little pieces instead which worked a lot better.
   — greenpunchbuggie

October 31, 2009
I crushed most things for the first couple of weeks. The taste was awful. Ask your doctor if you can just cut them up into tiny pieces instead. It is much more tolerable that way. If you must crush them, take a little sip of orange juice after you take them in order to get rid of the bad taste. A little bit of 100% orange juice won't hurt you.
   — Elizabeth_Ann

October 31, 2009
I was only instructed to crush my pills for the first 7 to 10 days. I switched to chewable multi-vitamins (Centrum Adult or Flinstones (childrens you need two a day) and used Tums 1000 for my chewable calcium - takeing two Tums twice a day. I crushed my allergy meds, migraine meds and migraine pain pills as well as the Pepcid my surgeon ordered for after surgery. They were bitter but I mixed them in either my liquid pain med that was either Tylenor Blast Liquid or the liquid prescription pain med the surgeon sent me home with. From day 3 I was also allowed my milk as part of my clear full liquid diet. I made a batch of slightly thinner sugar free/fat free pudding and used about a tablespoon of that to mix my crushed pills into to make it go down easier and hide some of the taste. I also stopped taking anything I didn't really need for the 7 to 10 days. In the end, it wasn't so bad and the bad taste went away quickly. Do check to make sure you don't have a med that is time released and therefore should not be crushed. Good luck!
   — Annette M.

October 31, 2009
I'm 10 days post-op and my surgeon directed me to crush my pills. I've found that SF chocolate pudding (jello brand) does the best job of masking the taste. The first 2 days home were the worst, but now, they don't seem to taste as bad.
   — looking4ward

October 31, 2009
I wanted to respond to Annette's comment about taking chewable Tums for a calcium supplement: it is very important that people who have had gastric bypass take Calcium Citrate, not the kind of Calcium that's in Tums. Gastric bypass patients are at a higher risk for Osteoperosis, so this is important. My doctor's instructions are to start taking calcium citrate beginning at one month post-surgery, and at that point it's easier to take pills. Best success.
   — Janell C.

October 31, 2009
I crushed my pills for 2 1/2 months, because my Dr. told me to do so. I bought a crusher, I am sorry I do not know what it is called, but it is for garic and herbs. It is a bowl with a long stick with a hard ball shaped object that crushed my pills really well.
   — FSUMom

October 31, 2009
The first thing to think about is that depending on the meds you may not need them after the surgery. I was on 8 - 10 different ones depending on the day before and now 1 plus vitamins. I only had to crush mine for the first couple of weeks. I also changed to liquid vitamins for everything else. The Soma tasted really bad crushed but I put it in a little shot glass and mixed it with juice and it went down.
   — phyllismmay

November 1, 2009
The first month or so, I had to crush my calcium pills. They were nasty, and I ended up mixing them with applesauce to take them everyday.
   — Ursie77

November 1, 2009
I went through a phase where I crushed what pills I could - but it didn't last long as it was disgusting!
   — ditzyangeluk

November 1, 2009
Hi! I was on lisinopril and another bp med -can't think of it at moment...and nexium. I crushed them for the two weeks I was on them after surgery, but soon discovered I didn't need them any longer. I still took the nexium for several weeks. Now a days they put you on some form of nexium or an aid in preventing ulcers. I did the chewable flinstones vitamins for first year. And walmart sells a chewable and quite tasty chocolate calcium spring valley or a yellow bag and they are sugar free. My blood tests have always been good. Hope you discuss this with your nutritionist. Best of luck! hugs,Kim
   — gpcmist

November 1, 2009
Im a year in and I still crush my pills and the caplets I pull apart take it down with water. When I take them reg they hurt my stomach
   — kaybusk

November 1, 2009
I did the crushing for about six months then whole pills were fine. Others in our support group were sent home with regular pain pills from the hospital and never crushed them. I think it is easier for you to digrest especially early on when they are crushed.
   — trible

November 2, 2009
I never had to crush pills, for the first three months I had to use a powdered form of my potassium supplement, but the rest of my meds I just swallowed.
   — rkurquhart

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