surgery tomorrow

My surgery is tomorrow any suggestions on what to pack and how to stay calm. Getting nervous.    — cuppaloopy (posted on December 27, 2009)

December 26, 2009
It's hard to do, but relax. They know what they are doing, all the help they need is for you to show up. Just concentrate on after this is over, headed for your goal.
   — Dave-M

December 26, 2009
well, I know how you are feeling. I had my surgery 5 days ago. Trust your surgical team, they are the experts. Pack your toiletries and socks and slippers and some lip balm. If you wear glasses, a case is nice to store them. Best wishes on your surgery. I will pray for you. God Bless. Carol
   — catasteams

December 27, 2009
I've been following your posts, See you made it! Good Luck tomorrow. Bring only your basics. Hair brush, glasses if you wear them. I brought my own pillow so I'd have something from home. The hospital will usually provide slippersocks, gowns and bathrobe plus toothbrush,paste, lotion, powder, shampoo etc. I would not bring your own jammies as the nurses and Dr's will be checking incision sites, iv sites, listening to your heart lungs and belly and they like to be able to get to them quick and easy. Trust your nurse's but if you don't understand something or are afraid tell them! It's OK to ask!!!!
   — Nurseducky

December 27, 2009
Thanks guys for listening to me vent for months.
   — cuppaloopy

December 27, 2009
Chapstick is your friend and take your shoes to get moving. Let us now how things go. I had my surgery 2 Dec so I was on the liquids during Thanksgiving and Christmas. So far I feel like I am living the dream because I am doing well. Start tracking your intake immediately because that is the best habit you will ever have.
   — jvannatta

December 27, 2009
Don't plan on resting much while you are there. I was up and walking within about 5 hours of surgery. My husband and I "raced" down the halls the following day since he had had his surgery as well. You'll do fine. Ice chips will be your friend. As will chap stick!
   — robinlynne_72

December 27, 2009
Good luck.. you'll do great! One thing I'd recommend is to bring your own pillow. I took my big fluffy one and it was great to hold tightly across my belly when I moved. And I second the chap stick recommendation.
   — Sa-ruh

December 27, 2009
I just had mine on Tuesday. I noticed while the nose tube was in it was better to not eat the ice and keep it dry in there, then you don't feel it as much. definately want chapstick and just plan on napping alot to stay calm and pateint. Good luck!
   — lynnredboy

December 27, 2009
Barbara, congrats. I am so happy that it's your big day. Pack almost nothing, just a cell phone, robe, slippers, toothpaste, toothbrush and deodorant. You're in my prayers.
   — Janell C.

December 27, 2009
Just take your toiletries and slippers. You will feel better in their gowns. Also if you wear glasses or contacts take a case. You won't feel like doing anything but sleeping and walking to and from the bathroom and up and down the hall....I know I speak for everyone...congrats and welcome to the "Loser's bench." Oh yes...take a list of questions with you to ask the nutritionist and surgeon.
   — karensaporito

December 28, 2009
I hope everything went well for you today. My procedure is tomorrow, so i am taking all the answers here to heart. Good Luch and Good LIfe to us all!
   — pshock

December 28, 2009
Great, now that you have made it this far; you will find the website even more helpful. I too, have been following your posts and if you click on the Q&A tab, there are a ton of previously asked questions that have answers to that you haven't heard before. So it would also be beneficial for you to look at those other posts before posting "Post op questions". They have a lot of topics, and scroll down to view all the answers, it will list all the answers, that way, you can always refer back to them. If you don't find what you are looking for, then you can of course click the post tab. I have taken advantage of the previously asked question tab. If you can't find it, post and we will help you.
   — Kristy

December 28, 2009
The hospital provided everything I needed except a hairbrush. Best of luck on your surgery. I had mine on Dec. 10 and everything is progressing fine. Take care.
   — Cynthia T.

December 28, 2009
Barbara: Good luck tomorrow. You will be in my prayers. I am so happy you made it all happen and your big day is finally here. I look forward to your LOSING updates! You will be fine. Congrats.
   — jackmom1484

December 28, 2009
Good Luck tomorrow! As some of the other posters have said, try to relax, have faith and trust in your doctor and his team. I personally was so excited, my doctor, Dr Wade Barker is awesome and very personable so I put my trust in him to start me with my new outlook on life! It's been one year for me (Nov 12, '08)and I've lost 100 lbs to-date, I went from a 24 to 12 and I'm still loosing! Think positive, it will be okay, let us know how you're doing after surgery! Visit my page for tips, suggestions, ideas, etc
   — StrangePassion

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