does anyone have low blodd surger from surgery and when they exersise??

I had rny bapass 5 yrs ago. I have been in a exersise program at the pool lately, I go everyday. I get very shakey and dizie and feel like my blood surger is low. when I took it it was 89. Dr does not know what it is. pressure is fine , drink water and eat before too. Does this have to do with my surgery??? Does anyone else havethis. I have lost 150 pounds and gain 20 ,    — sybiliowa (posted on August 25, 2010)

August 25, 2010
I do too, my NUT told me to eat a couple of crackers with peanut butter. However, I can't tell you that this will help your problem, I am just saying what helped me. Good luck!
   — FSUMom

August 25, 2010
I've read here on these boards that reactive hypoglycemia happens to some folks after RNY. Melting Mama is one who has a severe case of it. You definitely want to keep an eye on it and treat it by consuming a protein snack quickly. Severe cases can result in you passing out or even having seizures. Glucose tablets are OK for emergency (or sugar) but you better consume some protein right after to help stabilize otherwise your blood sugar level will just fall quickly again. Peanut butter is good but a high protein, lower fat option would be cottage cheese, greek yogurt, etc. I had hypoglycemia from my teen years until my 40's when combined with my obesity it developed into type II diabetes. Now I have neither. I hope I never develop either again. Also know that carbohydrates turn into glucose (for energy) so you're better off following a low-carb eating plan. Make the protein in your diet out weigh the carbs and that should help you. And keep in touch with your doctor. Keep in mind you may need to find another who specializes in bariatric patients.
   — Arkin10

August 25, 2010
i'm severly diabetic, wls nov 24 09. was at 100 units of lantis at night, 100 novolog during the day . now down to 5-7 units lantis at night max. sometimes nothing. a1c at 6.2 it was alot of work and alot of bottoming out .[not good] i do no insulin or meds before workout every morning. ido eat 1 speedway chocholot cookie with 50gram protien drink on way to work out every morning. that solved my problem . ps iwas getting readings from 35 to 70 beforethis the workout generally burns up the sugerso all is good . goodluck hank.
   — hanksguns

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