Has anyone been postponed due to a heart murmur?

I had my pre-op testing yesterday and everything went well until I saw the cardiologist who told me I have a heart murmur. He said that it shouldn't postpone my surgery which is 5/9 but he is still doing a echocardiogram on Tuesday, 5/6. Has anyone been in a similiar situation and if so did it postpone your surgery date? Thank you.    — Ronika D. (posted on May 3, 2003)

May 3, 2003
Hi Ronika, I too have a heart murmur. Actually it was discovered after taking Phen/Fen. It is technically called mitral heart valve regurgitation. I just had my second echocardiogram last december to compare it with the initial one done in 1997 that discovered it. My cardiologist is one of the best here in CT and in december he told me that the amount I have is trace to mild. My surgeon who is doing the WLS surgery is aware of it, has my records, and the only difference he said that it would make with my surgery is that I will be given antibiotics before surgery. I also have to take those when I get my teeth cleaned. I do not remember the numbers, but a very large number of people are born with this, and mine may not be as a result of the Phen/fen, it was just discovered by chance after taking it. This is not life threatening, but your surgeon should be made aware of it and he can take any appropriate action that may be needed. Good luck Kristi
   — Kristi S.

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