Anyone post op still having problems with Gastric Reflux?

   — Stella L. (posted on May 26, 2003)

May 25, 2003
I had my Lap Rny on 12/17/02... and have not had one bit of acid reflux at all since surgery. And I suffered with it severely before surgery. That alone makes this surgery worth it to me! I am 5 months out and down 73 pounds... started at 252 now at 169! That also makes it worth it! Sheryl
   — Sheryl W.

May 26, 2003
My acid reflux was gone until about 10 months post-op. I am on previcid now and just have to watch not eating late. It's still not as frequent as before surgery though.
   — bbjnay

May 26, 2003
Surprisingly enough, I developed reflux AFTER surgery...Now on Pepcid 40mg twice a day. So it is possible to have it postop.
   — Dana S.

May 26, 2003
I also have developed a serious case of GERD since the gastric bypass. Never had it before in my life & I would even eat hot stuffed peppers.. Now I have to take protonix each day or I get a horrible pain in my tummy.. However this problem is a small price to pay for a better life..
   — Anne T.

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