Need help to get process started in NM

Im 5'4 .345lbs 27 years old and I live in New Mexico I dont no where to get started please help I also have united health care insurance    — jennagirl33 (posted on January 4, 2006)

January 4, 2006
Hi Jennifer - the first place you need to start is with your insurance company. Call them and go over what they cover. Even if they say WLS is not a covered benefit, don't freak out yet, this usually just means you need to jump through lots of hoops to get it covered. Then you will need to talk to your PCP, hopefully he/she will be behind your decision because you will need letters of recommendation and other "hoops" from him/her. Be ready for a very lengthy process in most cases, unless you are one of the very few lucky ones that get it approved right away! I was not so lucky and got tired of the hoops and had my RNY bypass surgery in Mexico, but am now 10 weeks post-op and down 55 pounds already! Feel free to email me anytime: [email protected] ~Kim
   — kimmy

January 5, 2006
I was going to say exactly what Kim said. She gave great advice. Good luck!
   — Novashannon

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