tierd and pregnant please help

Im 7 months pregnant and I had surgery in april 2005 with this pregnancy I have had evry symptom you can think of but the worst is Im tierd all the time ALL the time is this normal what can I do??    — APRILB (posted on June 29, 2006)

June 28, 2006
Hi April, I know a couple of women personally who experienced the same thing you are experiencing. What both were told by there different doctors was to keep taking their multi vitamins and to drink their proteins shakes and to make sure you eat like you are supposed to. You live in Taft where it does gt very warm in the summer so make sure you drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated as well. I am originally from Tulare,California, but now live in Rhode Island these past 16 years. You are in your crucial part of your pregnancy where your baby is depleting your vitamins from your system so make sure to take them hon!! Not much longer, hang in there take it easy and dont over do it if you can help it sweety. Big Hugs Mickey........
   — MCraig3

June 28, 2006
April Mike is absolutely correct. I was going to post the same thing but there was no need to repost the same information. Also, if you would like support from other women going through the same there is a VERY active post-op pregnancy board here and we would love to hear from you. I hope this helps. Tiffany:fairy: EDD 7/30/06 35wks 4days w/Alyssa Danielle
   — Tiff's On a Mission

June 28, 2006
Well, I think it is "normal" to be exhausted during pregnancy ... I was tired the whole time, and I hadn't had wls. The other posters were right ... Get enough calories, take your vitamins and drink plenty of water. Also, get as much rest as you can. You might want to have your doctor check your thyroid function ... Pregnancy can make women hypo-thyroid. Also, check for anemia. Hope you feel better.
   — peacefuldaizy

June 30, 2006
Hi- Don't assume its the pregnancy that making you tired. Yes , in the first trimester- but I remember being very buoyant at 7mos and being very horny from all the hormones. Here is what I suggest: Get your blood levels checked- It could be oe or both these things: Low B-12- which - you can get- sublingual B12 and take that every day. AND it may be some form of Anemia. I have both, and I will almost bet your hematocrit and hemoglobin numbers are low. Mine were down to 9.8 & 27 where they should have been at 12.0 & 36. This will also make you feel tired and exhausted. I just underwent 8 weeks of iron IV treatments ( its not bad) , so that is why I suggest you look at your levels. If it turns out your numbers are too low- your numbers may go up with taking iron pills. My numbers stayed the same with the pills - which is why I did the IVs. .. Good luck and best to you and your family. Donna
   — nybabe

June 30, 2006
I was in the same boat as you. When I had went to my monthly OB/GYN appointment I found that I was slightly anemic (I was also hypoglycemic) if you can believe that. I was gestational with all my children. Talk to your OB/GYN & let them know your symptoms. Stacy
   — EcclestonOhana

July 6, 2006
it is very important to get your protein, water and nutrition in everyday! TAKE YOUR VITAMINS.... If I can help you further please email me... Celeste from 327 to 125...If you find your "WHY" you will acheve any desired dream!
   — shakeyourweight

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