Reflux w/band for a long time..2 Tight or not Chewing?

I am confused. Thought I was smart! I have had reflux for a long time. (banded 12/07). However it never felt like my band was tight, cause I could eat more than I should have. Yesterday had 2cc removed. Is the band not right for me? Originally I thought I wasn't chewing enough. I don't understand & I am confused. Help...I still eat properly though    — Linda R. (posted on February 14, 2009)

February 14, 2009
I am confused. . . if the band WAS NOT TIGHT Why did they REMOVE 2ccs of saline? Are you at the weight you want to be or too thin or your blood work not right? Did you ASK as to why they were removing saline? What was the answer?? Did you tell them you were hungry??
   — Eneleh

February 14, 2009
I am confused. . . if the band WAS NOT TIGHT Why did they REMOVE 2ccs of saline? Are you at the weight you want to be or too thin or your blood work not right? Did you ASK as to why they were removing saline? What was the answer?? Did you tell them you were hungry??
   — Eneleh

February 14, 2009
Not at my desired weight. I was having a hard time swallowing and felt their was something stuck in my throat. 3 times at night in the past week I started choking and medication kind of came up, etc.
   — Linda R.

February 14, 2009
It was more of an emergency visit cause of how I was feeling.
   — Linda R.

February 14, 2009
Probably need to go to the doctor. Get labs done and check your diet. Make sure nothing is wrong with the band; believe it or not sometimes they need redone. Good Luck and God Bless, vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

February 14, 2009
If you continue choking, you may want to ask for a speech evaluation for swallowing. Maybe it's not the band rather a swallowing disorder.
   — KEDIA

February 14, 2009
Most times if I got reflux @ night I had eaten too late. Since my last fill I got it frequently. I slept on multiple pillows, did not eat after 9PM and drank a glass of water between 9 & 10. It helped, but the night time reflux is nothing to play with as you could end up with aspiration pneumonia, eroded esophagus etc. The thing to do is take out saline, let the irritation heal, and then slowly start to refill. Donna banded 4/19/07
   — Donna O.

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