
has anyone had a panniculectomy removeing 35-40 lbs?what should i expect in recovering from this surgery?    — vietta J. (posted on May 6, 2009)

May 7, 2009
I asked my brother who is a plastic surgeon and he says that he rarely if ever sees that much skin, usually 20 lbs or so. According to him it is a very painful recovery, but he says none of his patients are ever unhappy when it is all over. Depends also on whether your surgeon's policy is to do just a frontal tummy tuck or if they are doing an extended tummy tuck. Most docs include liposuction of the flanks (love handles). He says to look for a doc who does an extended which basically goes all the way around your body, you will be much happier with the outcome. He tells people to try to take at least 2 weeks off to recover. Each surgeon has different pain management plans, so be sure to ask what your surgeon does for pain management.
   — brindledanes

May 7, 2009
A plastic surgeon gave a lecture at my WLS support group a few weeks ago and he brought a recovering patient. I think she was about 3-4 weeks out. She actually said the pain wasn't any worse than her c-section. In fact I think she said the c-section was worse because they cut through the muscle wall for that. If it's just a standard tummy-tuck they don't usually cut any muscle, they are just removing skin. She showed pictures and even with as much as she had removed, it only weighed 7 lbs. The doctor however said he had removed 80 lbs from one of his patients. I don't think it would matter - - IMO it's the same incision and same recovery no matter how much skin comes off. Her only complaint was the compression girdle she has to wear for awhile. I'm going to need the "all-around" surgery when I'm done losing this weight, but I think any discomfort will be so worth it in the end. If it really isn't as bad as a c-sect, then it won't be bad -- I've had 2 of those.
   — soon2Bfine

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