Plateaus...are you hungrier...

Is it just me or do you seem like you are more hungry when you are on a plateau? I have been on a plateau for weeks now and have noticed a weight loss of only a pound or two in the past 3 weeks...I swear to you I feel more hungry than usual you think this has anything to do with being on a plateau?    — ginariso (posted on February 2, 2001)

February 2, 2001
When I revert to my old eating habits - although I certainly don't eat as much, just really bad food like sugar and carbs - it is almost always an emotional crutch. This week has been particularly bad for me. I've had to deal with the ex, and I've noticed a pattern of me eating poorly when he's up to his tricks. I believe the sugar consumption induces real hunger pains in me. Strangely enough, I also continue to lose weight when I eat like this! Although, I do believe that it will catch up with me if I don't get back on the program. As for plateaus, if I seem to be hungrier then, it is most likely because I've lost confidence and have given up. Thank God this surgery allows me to get back on track within days and continue losing again! Push the protien and water. Dance a little, walk a little and it will pass. It always does. Good luck!
   — Allie B.

February 3, 2001
Yes! I get ravenous for a few days, then drop several pounds at once. Afterwards, I'm back to normal, mild hunger and steady loss. The trick is to EAT MORE when you're hungrier (healthy choices, of course) to reassure your body that it doesn't really need the fat it's hoarding. An extra serving of protein supplement and more water during plateaus is a good idea, too, for the same reason. If you cut back instead, your body will say "Aha! It's a famine, all right. I'm gonna need this fat after all to keep her alive a little longer until maybe there's more food . . ."
   — Linda B.

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