4 years postop, not positive but I think I may have an ulcer

A few days ago I started having some pain just underneath the breastbone area and underneath the right rib area (I have no gallbladder, so its not that) Its not burning, its like someone punched me in those areas about 500 times. OTC Zantac seems to help temporarily. Also, when I eat or drink its like the food wants to stay there in my esophagus for quite a while. It eventually does go down, but it takes a while. Tried to call my PCP Fri pm, but they had already left, I left a message to call me first thing tomorrow. Any ideas anyone?    — Kris T. (posted on March 4, 2007)

March 4, 2007
I have had the same thing, very uncomfy, fortunately mine left after about a week.
   — bob-haller

March 5, 2007
You could be having spasms in your esophagus. Very painful. Symptoms of an ulcer are gnawing/burning pain between breast bone and navel--worse a couple hours after eating and/or in the middle of the night, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, or weight loss. Some people have no symptoms. I think your plan to call the PCP is great. Will you post when you find out what it is? Best wishes.
   — mrsidknee

March 5, 2007
I have had a lifetime of acid reflux/heartburn. I had a similar experience during the 2003 refinance boom (working zillion hours a week). I was on the phone to my gastro-intestinal doc after a week of pain. He did a scope and found nothing. Must have been stress induced.
   — LaurieH

March 6, 2007
I have had an ulcer for yrs now. It really hurts. It is a sharp burning pain for me right were my pouch is. Food or water doesn't help it at all. The acid reducer meds from walmart help though.. It is good you called your doc. THey can get you in to do a scope if ness. to find out if you have one or not..good luck kK@goal
   — tinalivesay

April 30, 2007
Get this checked out immediately - I had gastric bypass 3 years ago and got an ulcer in the larger stomach. This ulcer ate a hole through the stomach and into the pouch stomach, reconnecting the two! I have since had to have my entire stomach removed and have had a domino effect of complications - not to mention I waited too long to get it fixed and gained back 80 lbs while the 2 stomachs were reconnected.
   — Kitrae

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