Does anyone drink soda after having Rny?

I had lap. RNY on 1-04-08 and I have lost 138 pounds and am now at my goal weight of 140. I was wondering if anyone out there drinks soda after surgery? All I drink is water or crystal light and would love to have a pop once in a while. I heard though that the carbonation is not good for the pouch. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.    — minyana3 (posted on November 10, 2008)

November 10, 2008
its the carbonation you cant have- just open a soda - let it sit for 2-3 hours, then pour over ice and voila- its your soda pouch friendly. Otherwise, no, cant have it, but that doesn't stop post ops from drinking them good luck Cindi 3.24.04 -230#
   — DollyDoodles

November 10, 2008
I have done a bit of research on this subject myself. You can read about what I have discovered on my blog on my profile page at: Look for the post "Expanding Stomachs with CARBONATION." If you don't find it on the main profile page, look for it in the April 2008 archives. I hope this helps to answer your questions. Hugh
   — hubarlow

November 10, 2008
Hey there! I am set to have RNY on 12-3-08 (soooo excited), and have a co-worker who is approx 5 yrs out who drinks soda. She does open her soda and let it sit, although I have seen her open it and take a drink too. Also she does diet at all though and has been gaining weight. About 40 lbs or so. The carbonation will definatedly expand the pouch but the pouch expansion isnt all you have to worry about. The empty calories are always a though. I think this is a very individual thing. Best of wishes to you and great work! Angela from Oregon
   — jamabowers

November 10, 2008
The article that Hugh refers to is a very good one. It is not only the carbonation that is bad for you. My dietician said that she would like me to stay away from the sodas but a Crystal Light Slurpee once in a while was okay. I get one of those at my local 7 Eleven once a week as a treat.They are suppose to have the same calories as the drink but I am always afraid it is a little more so try to limit myself. Small sips don't seem to bother me like drink of soda. You may want to check with your dietician or surgeon for that option.
   — AuntPamcakes4six

November 10, 2008
An occasional soda- now and then, isn't going to hurt anybody. It's not just the carbonation that isn't good, it's the pH that is bad for your stoma. Dawn Vickers
   — DawnVic

November 10, 2008
I am 5 years out from gastric and I started drinking a little diet coke after about 1 year. Its o big deal in my world but i was very good for the firs year or two and have maintained goal now for 3 years. I may drink a total of 1 diet coke a week! I take a drink or two and I don't want anymore! Water is much better for you but someone times we have to treat our selfs! Just do it once in a while!
   — Alivingangel

November 10, 2008
I couldn't handle even a sip of soda for several years post op. It just burned the heck outta my pouch. Cola is a trigger food for me...I associate it with some of my pre op late night snack habits. I used to LOVE cola and chips or pizza or drive thru burgers and fries or's still the first things that I think about when I take a sip. These days, I will occassionally have a ginger ale or diet grapefruit (Fresca)...I prefer the sodas with no dyes or caffeine as I save my caffeine habit for my one daily cup of java! Moderation! That's still the key!
   — .Anita R.

November 11, 2008
My doctor has said no to any carbonated beverages. At our support group meeting last night the bariatric co ordinator brought in an 8 oz diet sprite and that she had put a surgical glove over it earlier in the day and it blew up like a balloon, the meeting was at 6pm and the glove was still inflated. After seeing that I know that I won't drink carbonated beverages. I have not had any kind of sodas since a year ago in Sept. when I first went and talked with doctor about having surgery. I don't miss it. Terri
   — ericson414

November 12, 2008
What does your surgeon say? I Personally, I found pop/soda to be a trigger food for me. I'm glad I stopped, and think of the money you could save!
   — IndyRose

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